Monday, January 16, 2012

Novel Project Q2 (4)

Novel Project Q2 (3.5)

Hear the voices in this specific order:

1. Aibileen
2. Minny
3. Hilly

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Novel Project Q2 (3)

Alma PeƱate: Almis! WOW Amazing! Your description of every single literary device in your novel outstanding! All the words you use make me feel inside the story itself. You can put more examples for the reader to know what to expect but it’s perfect the way it is! Makes me want to read you book!

Camila Toro: It’s absolutely amazing; I have nothing but the tip of my hat for this project. What I most liked about it is that in every description you use an introduction to what’s happening in the story first and then begin explain how the literary device is used. All of them very long they have a lot of information to help the reader. Besides, the level of effort you put into this! GOOD JOB!

Antonia Pulido: This analysis about Gossip Girl has an amazing quality! Every single description matches the literary device and besides the description itself is amazing and explains every single part of the literary device itself and the part of the story. Out of all of them I like in particular how you wrote how digressive time and suspense are found in your novel! Incredible job congratulations! 

Novel Project Q2 (2.5)

•For quater #2 I read the novel "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett

Symbolism: One example of symbolism in this novel is a picture of Aibileen's deceased son in his graduation. This picture is hung in the kitchen in her house. When Skeeter comes to Aibileen's house to write her book, she looks at that picture numerous times and starts crying telling always a different story of how she wasn't present in her child's life because she had to work as a maid since she was fourteen and the regret she felt when he got killed in the military.

Flashback: In the dinner with Skeeter's family she is asking her mom what happened to Constantine (a black maid that raised her and worked in her house for 29 years) when her parents say she left to the north to be with her family Skeeter knows they fired her for being colored. Skeeter gets up and goes to her room upset, instantly there is a flashback where she is sitting in a bench tree when she was about 15 and then Constantine comes and makes her feel better because she had just had problems with her parents.

Foreshadowing: On a rainy day Minny (maid at Ms. Hilly's house) wanted to use the bathroom. The maid's bathroom where a tiny place outside and Minny didn't want to get wet or hurt because the storm was humongous. Hilly's mom said she could use the bathroom inside but Hilly herself said she NEEDED to use HER bathroom outside the house. Minny says she is going to fetch them tea when she actually is going to the guests' bathroom. It is described that Hilly gives a curious/angry look at Minny when she goes, which tells the readers something bad is going to happen next, and eventually does.

Atmosphere: When Minny got fired from Hilly's house because she used a bathroom inside the house, Minny instantly leaves the house. The next week when Hilly had already found a new black maid Minny returns to Hilly's house with a "chocolate" cream cake. Which is actually a cake that she made out of her feces and put copious amounts of chocolate to hide the smell and taste of the intended ingridient. When she returns she says high to everybody exept the new maid. This atmosphere inside Minny's head is on anger. Expressed by the author in her face, actions and how she treats a person she doesn't even know.

Plot Twist: One significant twist in plot is when Skeeter is done writing her book and it was ready to be sent to New York for it to be published, in her happiness she realized she needed one more story in her book. Constantine's story, she went upstairs to make her mo tell her the truth about what had happened to Constantine. Her mom told she was elected to work with the governor of Mississippi and that she had a every elegant dinner. Constantine was very old and she was getting old and clumsy, her daughter came to visit her and Skeeter's mom didn't want to let her in because a black person can't interrupt the dinner, either way she entered and greeted her mom. Out of anger she fired her. Skeeter was furious with her mom and said she needed to find her. Then her mom told she had sent her son to look for her in Chicago and he found out she had died. Skeeter was even more furious and crying and screaming. In such short you see her really happy and then completely devastated.

Progressive Time: Apart from all the flashbacks in the story (which are few) all the story is told in progressive time, all in chronological order.

Digressive Time: The novel begins with an interview of Skeeter and Aibileen in her house. Skeeter progressively asking questions about how she is treated at work. She answers all of her questions except one, in that moment she outside her window. IN that moment a new chapter begins which tells the moment when Skeeter got her new job. As I read on in the story about half way through I got ti the same moment of that same interview. Turns out that the author had begun with a significant part of the story which turns out, was not exactly the beginning.

Suspense: One day, Minny was cleaning the living room of the house of her new boss Celia Foot. The suddenly feels a stomp on the top floor, worried she went up to Celia's room, each time there were more stomps and Minny started to get worried. When she got to the bathroom door she asked if the was al right. Celia numerous times told Minny to go home and forget it. Minny started to walk away from the door until when she hears a HUGE stomps and she breaks the door and sees her boss in the floor with blood all over the floor. Turns out that she has lost her baby :(