Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Real Learning Journal

For me, the phrase "real learning" goes beyond personal opinion. Real learning is when a student learns so much about a topic that he can apply the material and create anything with that same material, therefore, the knowledge about is so big that the same student can teach it to another person and make them understand, although you are not a teacher.

Another thing that is really important for a person to have the best learning is to have PASION for the topic. If a person is forced to learn something or do something that he/she doesn't enjoy the information will not be stored in the brain as much as if he/she had passion or interest for the topic. Therefore, things that you want to learn get learned better than other things. Learning the topic outside of school and outside the classes helps you love it and learn even more.

On the other hand, if the topic you like is being taught in a way that you do not enjoy, you have a problem.While the teacher teaches (despite the fact that you like the topic) you get bored and don't pay attention. If the teacher is not a good person to you (or trainer in sports) you are going to loose interest in whatever it is you are doing because you hate going to class because of the ways that the teacher teachers or the teacher itself. It is better to learn the fun AND effective way (like in Ms. Shawn's class)

So... the factors to real learning are:

          - PASSION <3
          - PRACTICE :D
          - PERSONAL LEARNING (the way you want)           :)
          - ENJOY!!!!!

Transitional Words Notes


          - although
          - even though
          - while
          - whereas
          - despite
          - in spite of...

Although, even though, and whereas can go BEFORE EITHER CLAUSE. The emphasis is on the clause WITHOUT the conjunction.

Despite and in spite of are PREPOSITIONS and therefore NOT followed by a subject/verb. They are followed by a NOUN, PRONOUN or ING- form.

Adverbial Phrases

         - however
         - on the other hand
         - what's more

• Link ideas in TWO DIFFERENT SENTENCES or even in DIFFERENT paragraphs.

• Adverbial phrases go in SECOND SENTENCE, usually at the beginning.

• Adverbial phrases CAn go at the END or in the MIDDLE of a sentence but are then separated by COMMAS.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What Is An Inference?

An inference is a very simple concept. It is literally to make a intelligent guess. Because you can guess about anything very easily. But an inference is a guess that you have put logic, knowledge and back round info to it.

Star Wars Inferences

By Luke calling his guardian "uncle" i infer that he doesn't have a dad.

By a needle being shown to Leila I infer that she is going to tell the truth eventually.

By OB One Kanobi reacting to his own name (FAKING ANOTHER ONE) I knew it was him before he said.

By the ologram made by Leila, I infer thaat they were going to be in war with the others.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

STAR WARS - Science vs Science Fiction


• Guns
• Space Craft
• Soldiers

Science Fiction:

• R2D2 (talking, beeping robot)
• Golden Intelligent Robot
• Lazer Shots
• Battle Ships
• Alien Animals
• Space Houses
• Light Saber



- http://www.geekosystem.com/laser-surgery-eye-color/


- http://english-eye-surgery.tumblr.com/


- http://popplet.com/app/#/207838

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Criminal Minds Building Knowledge Notes

New info in table discussing

Each one says their theories cannot explain

Constantly giving out theories

Questioning theories constantly

New evidence in police department

Theory of drugs in stomachs

Theories and information is coming together when they look at the pictures of the victims

Theory that the drug is in the cigarrette because all the women smoke

Officer still needs to understand of why did the person delete the music

APA and Research Notes

APA is a form of researching that helps you not to commit plagiarism.

APA = American Phycological Association

TRY TO USE CITATIONS FROM THE TEXT; to show the reader that what you are saying is coming from an idea of another person directly.

Also put the page number of where you found the citation.

Also put the year.

For a research it is really good to go to the library to get extra info that you can get from the internet.

APA website


Theme Notes

Theme is the central idea of literature.

A subject is a a thing and not a theme, the theme is what you feel or your attitude towards that subject or thing.

For example: love is not a theme, love sucks is a theme :)

Humans aren't the only ones who can make generalizations = chimpanzees too

BUT making an abstract meaning is something that we humans can only do.

For a theme to be sustainable you need like three or more sources that support your feeling for that particular theme.

Theme is something personal, which means that your friends' themes can be different than yours, and none of those can be right or wrong.

Suggestions to find theme:

1. Look at the main character
2. Watch for statements of theme
3. Look to the title for clues
4. Look at the conflict.

Summary #2 Light Sabers and Levitating Vehicles

The light sabers where a representation of future swords. In the article it is explained that these sabers were 3 feet large. Also the implemented different colors to make the difference between the good and the evil inside the chronicles. It is meant to be the tool of the Jedi.

Here are the parts of the saber: hand grip, power cell housing, power indicator, crystal chamber, activator switch, blade power adjuster, magnetic stabilizer. The saber itself is only the grip, the actual "light" comes out when you switch it on.

The levitating vehicles where implemented because of space video games invented long before the movie. These vehicles that where used inside the space craft that you can see in episode 4 are aproximatley 1 feet above the ground.

Summary #1 Artificial Gravity & Leila's Slave Costume

In the beginning of the article they explain the challenge and how the could bring gravity to a space station where obviously there is no gravity at all because they are in space! The directing team had multiple scientists like Jeanne Cavelos examine the situation. They said it was all about acceleration since that can make objects move faster or slower.

The giant space craft was inspired by the shape of the moon. And in the movie it had 395 miles in diameter (since it was a sphere).

In the article they also explain the design and the making of Leila's Slave costume when she is trapped by Jubba the Hut. It consist of a tight yellow bra and two pieces of cloth that would act as a skirt. Last, her hair is in a pony tale.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Unknown Rules of Cap/Punc.


• If the subject doesn't appear in front of the second verb, do not use a comma.

• Use commas to introduce or interrupt direct quotations shorter than three lines.

• Use commas surrounding words such as therefore and however when they are used as interrupters.


• Capitalize the titles of high-ranking government officials when used before their names, do not capitalize the civil title if it is used instead of then name.