Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Real Learning Journal

For me, the phrase "real learning" goes beyond personal opinion. Real learning is when a student learns so much about a topic that he can apply the material and create anything with that same material, therefore, the knowledge about is so big that the same student can teach it to another person and make them understand, although you are not a teacher.

Another thing that is really important for a person to have the best learning is to have PASION for the topic. If a person is forced to learn something or do something that he/she doesn't enjoy the information will not be stored in the brain as much as if he/she had passion or interest for the topic. Therefore, things that you want to learn get learned better than other things. Learning the topic outside of school and outside the classes helps you love it and learn even more.

On the other hand, if the topic you like is being taught in a way that you do not enjoy, you have a problem.While the teacher teaches (despite the fact that you like the topic) you get bored and don't pay attention. If the teacher is not a good person to you (or trainer in sports) you are going to loose interest in whatever it is you are doing because you hate going to class because of the ways that the teacher teachers or the teacher itself. It is better to learn the fun AND effective way (like in Ms. Shawn's class)

So... the factors to real learning are:

          - PASSION <3
          - PRACTICE :D
          - PERSONAL LEARNING (the way you want)           :)
          - ENJOY!!!!!

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