Sunday, August 21, 2011

About Me Assignment

Hello Ms. Eggers, 
My name is Pablo Tello. I will be your student next year in the Pre-AP english class. 
Some things that i would like you to know about myself are: 
I have browns eyes and hair, 1,75 cm tall, i love dong projects and presentations (especially speeches) and social learning activities (learning in a different and really fun way)
I am a volleyball player, i practice almost ten hours a week in school and i love it! i will be going for sports competitions throughout the year. I am also part of the Model United Nations program at CNG and i will also be attending many events in school days so i will be skipping class but catching up is no problem for me because i love learning and i have never had academic problems at school. I love politics and international topics. 
My favorite genre is mystery, and i am really good at geography. 
is there something that i need to know about you Ms?? 
I cant wait for our learning days to start :)
Pablo Tello Zuluaga 

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