Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Reading Interview (film script)

Julian DeGeneres Show
Julian: Welcome everybody to Julian DeGeneres Show. It is the 30th of August and we are here with, um sorry what your name?
Widge: I’m Widge sir.
Julian: What’s your last name Widge?
Widge: Sorry Julian i was never told what my last name was... 
Julian: What? You don’t know? Seriously? OK, whatever who needs last names? So Widge, tell me; Where were you raised. 
Widge: London, England. Unfortunately I had to live the four-teen years of my life with demented man who threatened my life, fortunately know i have the happiness to never see his face nor my big brother’s again in my entire life. 
Julian: Oh my God! You don’t like do you? (laughter, both)
Widge: Maybe i don’t... (both laugh, again). 
Julian: So.. tell me. What was the most awful thing of this man. 
Widge: He made me do bad things, he sent me to steal the original Hamlet play from shakespeare, before opening night. Plus, try to copy it in Charactery. 
Julian: Charactery?? Oh my God this guy was evil! And tell me um, why did you need to tell everything to this guy (looks at note) Falconer.
Widge: Falconer is a bad guy! every that i did was going right into his ears, one way or another. He also told me what to do. But you know, i kinda broke the rules... woopsss 
Julian: wohohohoho, Widge you are a bad boy! (laughter) so um tell me. What about your friends down at The Globe? Were they welcoming?
Widge: My best friend that i had the at The Globe his name was James, you know we was really funny because we where the best friends, but then (pause) he... (pause) well he betrayed me, telling Mr. Shakespeare that i was trying to copy down the play so... that was really, really sad about it. 
Julian: Play with fire you get burned (chuckles). But did they catch or something, what did you do with like all your notes?
Widge: I burned it (laughter)
Julian: wow you like to play with fire dont’cha?? (laughter) umm so tell me about the famous William Shakespeare what about him?
Widge: He was a really charming man, but also really strict. Every line of every rehearsal needed to be outstanding. Since he was really proud of his work he wanted the opening night to be absolutely perfect. 
Julian: all right people we will be back after a short commercial, don’t leave your seat, we’ll be right back. 
Julian: Welcome back people to the Julian DeGeneres Show, what a lovely audience! So we are back with Widge. (Widge waving at the camera). Widge tell me, did you think that stealing the actual script of the play was the correct thing to do? 
Widge: In part yes, and in part no because i shouldn’t steal things, especially from William Shakespeare. But i was saving my own life you know, if i didn’t steal it; Falconer was going to kill me. But either way i saved the opening night and that was the correct thing to do. Then when i joined Lord Chamberlain’s Men. It could be the best thing i have decided in my life. 

Julian: Yeah man you are 100% right, that Falconer guy o whatever his name was, he is a sick lad dude. (laughter) So, since you had to burn your stuff, um tell me, was it hard to burn you won notebook with so much work on it?
Widge: Well, i had that notebook since i was eleven yes it was really sad but in a way it’s even better because if William found out that i was was characterizing his play he would have kicked me out and my mission wasn’t met, so that means (death movement). 
Julian: wow, so some day you need to teach some of that charactery you know to illegally copy down some tips (laughter). So Widge is there something that you would like to tell, because we share running out of time...
Widge: Don’t let anybody manipulate you lives! even less if it is a crazy old man!
Julian: Ok everybody, Widge, very nice to meeting you. It’s been a pleasure having you here with us tonight. If you want to know more background information about Widge’s life read the story of his life: Shakespeare’s Stealer. Widge, have a very nice day. Let us hear for Widge everybody! (Widge leaves, audience aplauses) ok so next week we will be having Harry Potter; key question: how does it feel to be a horocrux? Have a good night (closure)  

1 comment:

  1. You did an excellent job on your script. Make sure to load a link to your video too.
