Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This is an article written by my sister in law; Myrna Domit


Figurative Language

Onomatopoeia: the formation of a word by imitating a sound. 

Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied tosomething to which it is not literally applicable in order tosuggest a resemblance.

Simile: a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, using "like" or "as".  

Rhyme: identity in sound of some part, especially the end, of wordsor lines of verse. 

Personification: the attribution of a personal nature or character toinanimate objects or abstract notions, especially as arhetorical figure.

Repetition: the act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, or presentation.

Hyperbole: obvious and intentional exaggeration.

Alliteration: the commencement of two or more stressed syllables of a word group either with the same consonant sound or sound group.

Assonance: resemblance of sounds in vowels. 

Imagery: appealing to something with your 5 senses. 

Allusion: a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention ofsomething, either directly or by implication. 

Allegory: a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning throughconcrete or material forms; figurative treatment of onesubject under the guise of another.

Understatement: the act or an instance of understanding or representing in a weakor restrained way that is not borne out by the facts.

Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the oppositeof its literal meaning.

Synecdoche: figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or thewhole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special.

Apostrophe: is a figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and was able to reply. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PSA Evaluations


William Bergman

1. Animal abuse.
2. To stop animal abuse.
3. Showing pictures of abused animals and showing HOW can people help to stop this
4. He displayed the pictures of the people who helped  and also world organizations  that are helping to end this problem and finally two real stories. 
5. Yes it was, and it inspired me and all the class to help the poor animals. 
6. He should show this to the people that are currently abusing of these animals so they could see the horrible things that they are doing. 

Candelaria Penate and Camila Villamil

1. Human trafficking and sex slavery.
2. That human trafficking is making millions of lives miserable.
3. They used traumatic pictures and questions that made you realize that this is serious.
4. First they showed you a car and lots of money, but then they showed you pictures of sex slaves that made you feel really bad for them. 
5. She could have shown positive pictures also so then she could make the contrast between both which is a really good persuasive technique.
6. One thing she could have shown to the international community is to like interview a person that was a sex slave and let her share her experience for the problem to be solved more easily. 

Mathias Kling, Tomas Urrutia and Felipe Silva

1. Animal abuse.
2. That animal abuse is really bad and that you are harming nature even more than you think.
3. Showing pictures of abused animals and also dead animals, then showing pictures of happy animals and telling you how they could live if they weren't abused and it really makes you feel sorry.
4. The bad pictures (the ones that made you feel bad) then the happy pictures (the ones that made you feel that helping these animals is a need). 
5. Yes, ir did persuade me in never abusing an animal, they could have shown videos of animal abuse so they could convince people even more. 
6. They should show it to people that have foundations about the cause to tell them that everybody cares about this. 

Daniela Pedraza, Daniela Velez, Maria Vernaza, and Miguel Samper

1. Music.
2. That listening to music has lots of benefits.
3. Using the contrast with drugs and other addictions and then showing all the benefits that listening to music has.
4. They first showed a drug addict telling his experience with addictions, the  they showed a concert with taylor swift telling really good quotes and singing. 
5. Yes, it did because  they persuaded and reminded me that listening to music apart from being fun it has so many benefits, even medical purposes. 
6. Their next audience should be drug addicts or kids for them to never end up in addiction or anything like that.  

Pablo and Nicolas

1. Public health. 
2. About the importance of health institutions.
3. We used facts and political persuasion to convince people of our POV.
4. First we introduced ourselves and we gave our points of view expressed in the campaign, then we slipped a little facts to convince the people more easily and finally our campaign logo. 
5. Yes, I believe it was really persuasive  BUT we could have put like videos or pictures regarding the cause to inform people before introducing the campaign.
6. We made a real political campaign using things like pins, we used this for people to vote for the best; Our next audience should be real politicians so they can really make a difference in this country and in the entire world. 

Public Healh Video Link


Saturday, November 12, 2011




      S: Gives good information
      W: Explain more deeply


      S: Shows almost all the uses of the two prepositions
      W: Show contrast also

Word Choice;

      S: Good and strong words
      W: Use them more


      S: Interesting pictures
      W: The color is a bit sad



      S: Pictures
      W: More visual media


      S: Showed both correct and wrong uses 
      W: More strong words 

Word Choice;

      S: Good and complete definitions
      W: Stronger words


      S: Good contrast within poster
      W: More color



      S: Lot's of visual media
      W: Not a good presentation


      S: Persuades a lot
      W: Information is disorganized 

Word Choice;

      S: Deep and good
      W: Words are a bit disorganized 


      S: Very encouraging 
      W: Could have more



      S: Comics
      W: Theme


      S: Giving definitions
      W: Not encouraging the correct use 

Word Choice;

      S: Listing prepositions (ALL)
      W: Plain, boring, everyday use words 


      S: The use of dividing the poster in sections
      W: Not a cool style, at all

ON & IN *


      S: Pictures 
      W: A bit more color


      S: Politely telling people to use them in a correct
      W: Show a deeper definition

Word Choice;

      S: Good use of persuasive words 
      W: More examples


      S: Funny, comical, and happy
      W: Make the poster even more visually atractive

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Storyboard for Campaign

Step #1: We are going to show the posters and everything that shows off that we are political candidates running to be representatives in the ministry of health and what are SOME of the proposals that we have. 

Step #2: We will introduce ourselves personally and we will say everything that we want to achieve plus give the reasons why.

Step #3: Our persuasive speech ;)

Step #4: Presenting REAL FACTS and REAL STORIES to gain credibility. 

Step #5: Give the final statements and end the video with the message that we want to send. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Facts about Public Health

• The focus of a public health intervention is to prevent and manage diseases, injuries and other health conditions through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behaviors, communities and environments.

• Public health plays an important role in disease prevention efforts in both the developing world and in developed countries, through local health systems and non-governmental organizations. 

• In some ways, public health is a modern concept of human development in science , although it has roots in antiquity. From the beginnings of human civilization, it was recognized that polluted water and lack of proper waste disposal spread communicable diseases (theory of miasma). 


• Public health is the science and art of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles and research for disease and injury preventions. 

• Public health helps improve the health and well being of people in local communities around the globe. 

• Public health works to prevent health problems before the occur. 


• Influenza season is here and now is the best time to get your seasonal flu vaccine. Immunity from flu vaccination declines over time. This is one reason why it is recommended that everyone, six months of age and older, get a seasonal flu vaccine.

• The influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone, except infants under six months of age. It is especially important that certain groups be vaccinated because they are either at greater risk of developing complications from the flu or because they live with or care for other who are at greater risk of developing complications. 

• Public Health offers free flu vaccines throughout the county for individuals without health insurance or another source of health care. 


• Health standards in Colombia have improved greatly since the 1980s. A 1993 reform transformed the structure of public health-care funding by shifting the burden of subsidy from providers to users. 

• In 2002 Colombia had 58,761 physicians, 23,950 nurses, and 33,951 dentists; these numbers equated to 1.35 physicians, 0.55 nurses, and 0.78 dentists per 1,000 people, respectively. In 2005 Colombia was reported to have only 1.1 physicians per 1,000 people, as compared with a Latin American average of 1.5.

• Urban and rural residents experienced significant differences in access to health care. The coverage in the three largest cities -- Bogotá, MedellĂ­n, and Cali -- was almost 95 percent. At the rural level, the best services were delivered by the departments in the coffee-growing areas. At the bottom of the scale -- in terms of quality and coverage -- were the rural areas in the non-Andean regions as well as the marginal neighborhoods in medium-sized and small cities.


• The Africa Public Health Alliance and 15%+ Campaign is a non-profit organization promoting health development and financing across Africa.

• The APHA & 15%+ Campaign promotes these issues including the Health Related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), through policy work, advocacy, empirical research, community mobilization and capacity building in partnership with civil society, parliamentarians, development partners, relevant government ministries, departments and agencies especially health and other stakeholders at the Continental, sub-regional and country levels in Africa and beyond.

• The APHA & 15%+ Campaign is also strengthening its existing links with African Health Worker professional associations and trade unions to both ensure their input to regional and country policy and advocacy work, and also build civil society solidarity for their issues.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

American Commercial (Dove Body Lotion)


Pathos: The "naked" woman appeals to the audience because of obvious reasons and also because it shows that she (with the perfect skin) uses the lotion.

Ethos: You believe that the lotion works because the woman had the skin perfect in her ENTIRE body.

Logos: It doesn't give much reasoning but it does show indirectly that if you use the lotion your kin will turn as the woman's in the video for you to get "pretty".

P.O.V: The point of view is projected from a man's because the show a woman and also from the owners view because by showing all these graphic detail the express what the lotion will do to you.

Style: The style is calm, serene and peaceful.

Voice: The voice was also cal because it "whispers" to you: USE DOVE BODY LOTION. But the music was really calm and the setting as well.

Preposition Board Game

This is the preposition BOARD GAME!!


•The board
•A dice
•The piece that you will move
•A good knowledge in using prepositions!


1. Roll the dice and move your piece to the square that the dice tells you to.

2. In each square there will be a sentence with a blank so you need to fill the blank with the ONE of the THREE preposition that will be listed in that square as well.

3. Fill the black with the preposition that you think it is.

4. If you get it right you stay in the square. If you get it wrong, you go back ONE square.

5. Continue like this until you reach the last square.

Project Public Health (Styles) NC&PT

**Style #1: Political Campaign**
PRO: A political campaign that expresses the benefits of public health care for the community and why it is better that private health care.
CON: Many people in the society would be against this campaign and will try to vote against.
Style #2: Manifestations
PRO: People protesting in the streets for the government to have public health care and the placards showing the reasons why they want public health care.
CON: Police will try to stop it and the government wont be persuaded by a bunch of low class people that are protesting.
Style #3: Real Life Situation
PRO: People will feel sorry for the low class pregnant woman who wont be able to have her baby in a hospital because she doesn’t have money.
CON: Some people will believe that she will needs to pay to have her baby in a hospital even though she is poor.
Style #4: Commercial
PRO: Visually attractive because it will show that the people with the most amount of money get the health care and the ones that have little or no money don't get the attention. You will feel sorry.
CON: People will say that the people with lots of money should get the health care the deserve because they paid for it.
Style #5: Interview
PRO: By showing the experience of a person who didn't have the right of health care and you will be convinced based on his experiences.
CON: Since this is a particular case not all will be like that and the people won't be as persuaded.

•We chose to do out first style because Nicolas and I are very good at politics so we figured of we do a political campaign for out project we will have the ability to persuade people a lot easier than with the other ones.