Tuesday, November 1, 2011

American Commercial (Dove Body Lotion)


Pathos: The "naked" woman appeals to the audience because of obvious reasons and also because it shows that she (with the perfect skin) uses the lotion.

Ethos: You believe that the lotion works because the woman had the skin perfect in her ENTIRE body.

Logos: It doesn't give much reasoning but it does show indirectly that if you use the lotion your kin will turn as the woman's in the video for you to get "pretty".

P.O.V: The point of view is projected from a man's because the show a woman and also from the owners view because by showing all these graphic detail the express what the lotion will do to you.

Style: The style is calm, serene and peaceful.

Voice: The voice was also cal because it "whispers" to you: USE DOVE BODY LOTION. But the music was really calm and the setting as well.

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