Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PSA Evaluations


William Bergman

1. Animal abuse.
2. To stop animal abuse.
3. Showing pictures of abused animals and showing HOW can people help to stop this
4. He displayed the pictures of the people who helped  and also world organizations  that are helping to end this problem and finally two real stories. 
5. Yes it was, and it inspired me and all the class to help the poor animals. 
6. He should show this to the people that are currently abusing of these animals so they could see the horrible things that they are doing. 

Candelaria Penate and Camila Villamil

1. Human trafficking and sex slavery.
2. That human trafficking is making millions of lives miserable.
3. They used traumatic pictures and questions that made you realize that this is serious.
4. First they showed you a car and lots of money, but then they showed you pictures of sex slaves that made you feel really bad for them. 
5. She could have shown positive pictures also so then she could make the contrast between both which is a really good persuasive technique.
6. One thing she could have shown to the international community is to like interview a person that was a sex slave and let her share her experience for the problem to be solved more easily. 

Mathias Kling, Tomas Urrutia and Felipe Silva

1. Animal abuse.
2. That animal abuse is really bad and that you are harming nature even more than you think.
3. Showing pictures of abused animals and also dead animals, then showing pictures of happy animals and telling you how they could live if they weren't abused and it really makes you feel sorry.
4. The bad pictures (the ones that made you feel bad) then the happy pictures (the ones that made you feel that helping these animals is a need). 
5. Yes, ir did persuade me in never abusing an animal, they could have shown videos of animal abuse so they could convince people even more. 
6. They should show it to people that have foundations about the cause to tell them that everybody cares about this. 

Daniela Pedraza, Daniela Velez, Maria Vernaza, and Miguel Samper

1. Music.
2. That listening to music has lots of benefits.
3. Using the contrast with drugs and other addictions and then showing all the benefits that listening to music has.
4. They first showed a drug addict telling his experience with addictions, the  they showed a concert with taylor swift telling really good quotes and singing. 
5. Yes, it did because  they persuaded and reminded me that listening to music apart from being fun it has so many benefits, even medical purposes. 
6. Their next audience should be drug addicts or kids for them to never end up in addiction or anything like that.  

Pablo and Nicolas

1. Public health. 
2. About the importance of health institutions.
3. We used facts and political persuasion to convince people of our POV.
4. First we introduced ourselves and we gave our points of view expressed in the campaign, then we slipped a little facts to convince the people more easily and finally our campaign logo. 
5. Yes, I believe it was really persuasive  BUT we could have put like videos or pictures regarding the cause to inform people before introducing the campaign.
6. We made a real political campaign using things like pins, we used this for people to vote for the best; Our next audience should be real politicians so they can really make a difference in this country and in the entire world. 

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