Thursday, March 1, 2012

List of Things to Improve in Writing

I have some things to improve in my writing:

1. TAKE CARE of run-on sentences because the majority of the times that I'm writing I get inspired and i forget to put period or semi-colons. I put commas and commas and commas and i can write one sentence with 10 independent clauses :P

2. In programs that don't have Auto-Corrects; to put capital I when i use the word I because i just type the letter and expect that it would capitalize itself alone but sometimes it doesn't. This is NOT a problem when writing in paper.

3. Watch the spelling of the word: BEGINNING (i write it "beggining" majority of the times).

4. Write in a more professional way because when i write i write the exact words that come out of my mouth and some of those may be correct when you are apeaking but NOT when you are writing.


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