Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Have I Changed As A Learner

In this school year I have changed a lot as a learner than in any other year in my life time. It all began in room F15 in Ms. Shawn's class. The way that she teaches is different and anlot more fun. Instead of the teacher being in the front of the class all the time and the students writing on their notebooks and making the class boring, she makes us think a lot deeper in different ways. Her class has an enviornment in which the mind isn't blocked by boringness. Our technologymtools help us express our ideas in a lot of creative and particular ways. And most importantly we have learned that learning itself has it's steps. You understand a concept a lot more ifnyou go step by step (Bloom's Taxonomy) rather than havong the entire topic being thrown at you at once. This is actually the first time that a teacher teaches his/her students in this way which turns out to be better. Also teachers inside the middke school are starting to use these ways of pedagogy due to the high effectiveness. Now, I know that in order to learn something you have to do it by steps, also you learn better in a way that you feel more comfortable. Since technology is more affiliated to teenagers these times, we learn a lot better when we can use technology.

School Improving Project Issues

• Classroom environment is boring which blocks the mind from thinking critically.

• Teachers are teaching the way they think is correct NOT taking into account how the students learn in better ways.

• Lack of technology in certain areas of the school.

• The time we are going to school is in some cases non-productive so we propose to come to school and do everything you need to do and then leave (no matter the time you take doing stuff)

• Becoming mandatory for teachers to let the students express their creativity in their work.


Schools Kill Creativity Video Main Ideas

• Aesthetic environment are better than anesthetics in all their ways.

• As time goes by, education is diversifying their ways of pedagogy.

• Creativity is bale to show what's going on in the human brain.

• Working in groups is more effective than working individually.

• A person learns best when the learn the way they feel most comfortable with.

• Creativity is what leads people to success.

• People shouldn't standarize everything that they teach.

Midsummer Night's Dream Project CREATING

For creating, we had a debate over this and created a mental map over the characters.

Who Was Shakespeare CREATING

For creating, we made a play in our house representing a short scene from Romeo and Juliet. To be exact, we played the part where they meet at the party right at the beggining. Our acting skills are not so bad, by the way!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Group Comments

Nicolas: Nicolas followed very well the procedures of the Bloom's Taxonomy System because we all worked step by step to form a deeper understanding of the topics. His outside knowledge about the authors studied in the ANALYZING section of our Shakespeare project helped us a lot to compare to Shakespeare himself and make the project more interesting to make.

Mathias: Mathias is a very responsible teammate since he helped a lot in every step of the way in this project. His technology skills helped us a lot in our presentation. Each time we advanced a step in the Bloom's Taxonomy we (and especially Mathias) put even more effort into the work.

Who Was Shakespeare ANALYZING

Who Was Shakespeare EVALUATING

Who Was Shakespeare APPLYING

Midsummer Night's Dream Project EVALUATING

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who Was Shakespeare UNDERSTANDING

We took notes about the video en studied them. Which are the following:

• Born in 1564.

• John Shakespeare and Mary Arden were his parents.

• Stratford upon Avon was the town where he was born.

• Went to school when he was 13 years old.

• 1582 married Anne Hathaway.

• Suzana, Hamlet and Judith were his children.

• At the age of 27 (1591) moved to London.

• He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.

• He lived during Elizabethan England's era

• During that time the needed to close down the play houses because of the spread of diseases.

• The book of psalms (the book in the bible that was mostly songs and poems) Shakespeare translated it.

• The public will go out to see executions, the  they would stick them on poles to demostrate what happens when you break the law.

• The didn't had good sanitations (poop in the forest).

• The queen liked him and he often asked him to write plays about her life, she had a lot of influence in his work.

• The theatres were in the worst plays of poor neighborhoods because it was entertainment for poor people.

• He had lot of mistresses (fooled around a lot).

• He had a lot of money during his life time.

• All of the actors were men, even the female parts were played by men.

• Histories/comedies/tragedies (three categories of his plays)

Histories: they were abot the monarchy (boring).

Comedies: distinguished because they had happy endings and had a lot of humor.

Tragedies: Include people dying in the end (everything that does not have a happy ending and are not about the british monarchy).

Who Was Shakespeare KNOWING

We watched a video in class about his life and his work.

Midsummer Night's Dream Project ANALYZING

We pulled pulled out the actual script of the play, for example:

"Full of vexation come I, with complaint
Against my child, my daughter Hermia.
Stand forth, Demetrius. My noble lord,
This man hath my consent to marry her.
Stand forth, Lysander: and my gracious duke,
This man hath bewitch'd the bosom of my child;
Thou, thou, Lysander, thou hast given her rhymes,
And interchanged love-tokens with my child:
Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung,
With feigning voice verses of feigning love,
And stolen the impression of her fantasy
With bracelets of thy hair, rings, gawds, conceits,
Knacks, trifles, nosegays, sweetmeats, messengers
Of strong prevailment in unharden'd youth:
With cunning hast thou filch'd my daughter's heart,
Turn'd her obedience, which is due to me,
To stubborn harshness: and, my gracious duke,
Be it so she; will not here before your grace
Consent to marry with Demetrius,
I beg the ancient privilege of Athens,
As she is mine, I may dispose of her:
Which shall be either to this gentleman
Or to her death, according to our law
Immediately provided in that case."

•We analyzed the use of english that Shakespeare expressed in his writing and we focused on three major factors:

Vocab Words: the words he used in the play are really difficult to understand in this part of the play the most difficult word was FEIGNING. Really the only word in this line we had trouble with, then; we found the definition for the word: to pretend to feel something, especially an emotion. 

Pauses: each individual phrase of the line is often separated by a comma. Those pauses are very confusing since he is not using a transitional word but he just pauses ands then makes the character say the next clause. 

Old English: The play is written in old english which makes the grammar and the vocabulary distinguish, since it is a play the lines are made for the actors to act them out. The words and where he puts the words in completely different from the language we speak today. So, that's why things like "come I" are not exactly grammatically incorrect.

Midsummer Night's Dream Project APPLYING

We filled out a worksheet with characterization and plot about the movie.

Midsummer Night's Dream Project UNDERSTANDING

In class we saw the movie of the play which lead us to a deeper understanding of the play.

Midsummer Night's Dream Project KNOWING

We saw the video that summarized the play (about 9 minutes) in class.