Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Have I Changed As A Learner

In this school year I have changed a lot as a learner than in any other year in my life time. It all began in room F15 in Ms. Shawn's class. The way that she teaches is different and anlot more fun. Instead of the teacher being in the front of the class all the time and the students writing on their notebooks and making the class boring, she makes us think a lot deeper in different ways. Her class has an enviornment in which the mind isn't blocked by boringness. Our technologymtools help us express our ideas in a lot of creative and particular ways. And most importantly we have learned that learning itself has it's steps. You understand a concept a lot more ifnyou go step by step (Bloom's Taxonomy) rather than havong the entire topic being thrown at you at once. This is actually the first time that a teacher teaches his/her students in this way which turns out to be better. Also teachers inside the middke school are starting to use these ways of pedagogy due to the high effectiveness. Now, I know that in order to learn something you have to do it by steps, also you learn better in a way that you feel more comfortable. Since technology is more affiliated to teenagers these times, we learn a lot better when we can use technology.

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