Saturday, September 10, 2011

Character Map Questions

Why did Alisha loose her focus and why?

     -Alisha had too many responsibilities so her overload made her things mandatory so she lost the love for her after school and in school activities plus she wanted to focus a little more on her personal life.

Why do Lindsey and Alisha don't get along?

     -They both don't get along because since they were little they are competing to be the best so that created a constant state of hate between them.

What is more important; friends or study?

     -For Alisha friends and study are equal because she knows that without her friends her life wouldn't be the same but study is very important as well so she tries to improve her personal life plus keeping up with everything she has to do at school.

What happened with her families' magic?

     -They were known to make magic with birds, had many birds as pets.

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