Thursday, September 8, 2011

Myth Brainstorm

Once upon a time there’s was a school in the heights of heaven, in a mountain taller than the everest. This school was for the sons, daughters of the greatest wizards of all time. Her name was Alisha, she was a very talented witch. She was in 8th grade, as every student in middle school she has a lot of work to get done. She has to keep up with her advanced classes and also her battle club. Plus she is in the MS wizard council... Overtime her free time was lowering, she needed to get done all of this stuff, and magic didn’t help her that much. One day she came to school with dark circles in her eyes, totally tired, with a muscle spasm and a lot more pimples. Her Magic History teacher intercepted her and took her to his office. He noticed that she was having trouble getting all of these done. She said she loved the things she did but she was constantly exhausted. Her teacher gave her a solution. She needed to lay off the less important of these stuff to get herself on track. She dropped the Council and lowered her meeting of Battle Club. Weeks later she felt better, swinging her wand she created a rainbow outside her classroom to represent her happiness. 
Main Character: Alisha
Problem: Overload of responsibilities
Solution: Laying off a portion of them
Setting: Nkosi’s School of Witchcraft and Wizadry
Why is it a myth: This story includes made up characters and their traits as well and it includes magic which is one of the traits that a myth has. 

True or False
There was this beautiful girl called Francine. She was the the daughter of the daughter of Aphrodite. She went to a school for the children of the gods of the Olympus. She was a very beautiful girl, all the the guys in her school wanted to be with her. Athena’s daughter (Anabeth), filled with jealously and grief created a rumor. The rumor was: that Francine and Mike (nephew of Hephaestus). It started spreading around the school and all the kids started to laugh at them. Everybody believed this stupid rumor because Aphrodite and Hephaestus were couple in a time. Mike didn’t really care about because he was a “nobody” but for Francine that built a popularity for years and it went down in three days. The sounds of Anabeth’s laugh of grief made cry a lot. Her tears were golden just as her hair. People say that when her tears fell to earth turned into gold. Zeus saw her crying and came to her. Francine told the King of the gods about it and in return, Zeus took the powers from Anabeth away and gave them to Francine, to make her more smart and powerful than the people that ever bother her again. 
Main Character: Francine
Problem: Anabeth made up a rumor about her and Mike 
Solution: Zeus took Anabeths’ power away and gave it to Francine
Setting: Mount Olympus Middle School
Why is it a myth: It has the Greek gods which were created initially in myths and it made up events and people. 

Once upon a time a school attended by nymphs. This particular school had a very, very high academic level. One nymph called Tiara attended this school. She was a very good student. One day she came to her nature creating class and sat down in the her table. The teacher assigned to every one of her students to create a flower from scratch, she just gave them a pot of soil and the seed. They needed to make it grow into the most beautiful flower using the nymph powers for nature. Tiara used her hands to create the most beautiful flower of all her class. When her teacher came to check it she congratulated her but gave her 95% credit. Tiara stupefied claimed that her flower deserved al least 100% credit. Her teacher said that she was missing two or three insignificant petals. She asked that she could do to improve her unfair grade. She made another flower, almost similar to the other one but with more petals. Now she had the 100%. 
Main Character: Tiara
Problem: She was given an unfair grade when she didn’t deserve it
Solution: She made up the grade with another piece of work (double effort)
Setting: Marynymph Academy 
Why is it a myth: because it includes mythological creatures such as nymphs and their powers, which are also mythological and supernatural

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