Monday, September 26, 2011

Words in our OWN WORDS

“PER” (through)

Percussion: when anything makes sounds by hitting something against another thing.

Perennial: a long period of time that the end is unknown

Permeate: to spread all over a place, to enter inside another object.

Persevere: to hold to your assignment hard no matter the circumstances.

“FERO, FERRE, TULI, LATUM” (to bring, bear or and carry)

Defer: To make something delay, make a difference between an opinion.

Dilatory: The habit of postponing things.

Elation: Similar to ego, really good thoughts about yourself.

Infer: to use a set of clues to make a conclusion.


Contend: to put yourself in trouble.

Intent: To focus and be dedicated in a specific task.


Perspicacious: having a really perception and understanding of things

Perturb: to interrupt or disturb in a great scale

Collate: to gather information in kind of a chronological order, mostly clues like a report, sheets of a notebook, etc.

Oblate: an object flattened at the poles, mostly generated by an ellipse, also called a spheroid.

Portend: to make an indication before it happens, kind of in advance. Presage style (“fortunetelling”)

Tendentious: the habit of showing a definite tendency. 

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