Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Myth Story Outline

Myth Outline
Exposition: The story opens with a introduction to one of the best wizard schools in the world. Alisha (the main character) the best student of her grade (talent). Charismatic, kind, loving, all the qualities that a person can have. Along her 8th grade year she signs up for too many activities in her school. 
Rising Action #1: Alisha is in the battle club (a club here wizards use their magic strategies for personal defense and offense to others). Since student tele-transport magically from their homes to the school it is really simple to stay battling as much as they wanted. Since she was the best in her club she always wanted to stay more and more to battle. Her coach named her captain. That meant he needed to make attendance lists and make essays of the improvement of her teammates. She was really excited, her ambition (being captain) was being forfilled
Rising Action #2: Her science teacher was the head of the of the Wizard and Witch Council (student council). She was so good at her leadership skills so he assigned her as one of the executives. She didn’t want to but she couldn’t say no to that opportunity. So she just went with it. Since the school was elevated in the air by a enchanted piece of stone, she and her comrades needed to have brilliant ideas for special things that would fall off of the giant hovering stone. Apart from that they needed to build these. They chose her because Alisha had the name of her grandmother which was the founder of the school. She was always known for being the best (people expect that from her having the same name).
Rising Action #3: She was in the three AP courses since she was a brilliant student. The program started to give more and more work and homework for the academic level to rise. Each day, Alisha had more and more homework (especially her herbology class, she once needed to make a rain cloud to feed a living flower). She needed to get EVERYTHING done. Her battle club captain responsibilities, Wizard Council executive and her three AP courses homework and projects. Because of this, she didn’t have time to hang out with her friends. So she started to get worried about her social life... (lost recently)

Climax: Alisha, after having too many responsibilities she finally decides to DROP IT ALL OUT! For the last week she wasn’t been sleeping well, having problems listening in class and even not having time to have dinner.  She stared to her necklace that her grandma gave her (pocket item) and the raven in the necklace transmited a message that only she could understand. She send a fairy to tell her coach that she didn’t want to be captain anymore. She send her talking owl to her science teacher telling she wanted to go out of Wizard and Witch Council. Two thousand pound backpacks off her back. 
Falling Action: She encounters her worst enemy Lindsey (enemy; they hated themselves since kindergarden because of a paint spilling in each others clothes). She brags about her new position as executive member of the “Student” Council plus her join to the battle club and new assistant of the director. Alisha simply said: “congratulations”. Then she encounters the school counselor and he intercepted her. He noticed that she was having a lot of problems in her classes. Alisha tells him that was because of her load of responsibilities, she admitted that she had made a great choice dropping one or two down. She is still the best student of her grade so, no worries. 
Resolution: She is living happy in her school, now she has more contact with her friends and she keeps up her grades. By the way, she is really happy seeing Lindsey suffering because of her loads of work... Not even the magic of one’s wand can make all those things easy. But, her deep dark secret was revealed; she couldn't keep up with anything... :P



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