Friday, March 30, 2012

Quarter 4 Project Rubrics


Knowing: Watch a video summarig the play. (DONE)

Understanding: Watch the entire movie (DONE)

Applying: Fill in a worksheet with characterization and plot. (CLASS #1)

Analyzing: Get the actual script of the play written by Shakespeare and analyze the use of the language. (CLASS #1) 

Evaluating: In your group discuss the different characters, the plot, the language used and your personal. (CLASS #2)

Creating: Act out a portion if the play (dressed and everything) to show the class every aspect of Shakespeare. (CLASS #2)


Knowing: Watch a video summarizing his life and his work. (CLASS #3)

Understanding: Take notes about the video and study them. (CLASS #3)

Applying: Make a ptesentation to the class about Shakespeare's life. (CLASS #4)

Analyzing: Compare and contrast him to Miguel de Cervantea and authors from other nationalities. (CLASS #4) 

Evaluating: Discuss your opinions about what Shakespeare was thinking or going trough his mind when he wrote his plays. (CLASS #5) 

Creating: Dress up as Shakespeare and present a monolouge of him presenting his life. (CLASS #5)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Questions of KONY Video

How did the LRA develop in Uganda? What were the causes that made Joseph Kony create this group?

What are the relationship of the LRA with Sudan, CAR, DRC, and other african countries?

How did he meet Jacob?

What is the goal of Joseph Kony? Does it have anyhing to do with the dictatorship in Uganda?

Who monitors the refugee camps in northern Uganda? UN?

Why is it that Joseph Kony cane out to the world just now and the conflict has been around for 30 years.

Why did he call his terrorist organization the "Lord's Resistance Army"?

What is the purpose of mutilating their faces?

How is the government of Uganda helping to stop Kony? In what ways...

What is the comparison of violation of human rights with other terrorist groups in Africa?

Novel Project Q3 (4)

Novel Project Q3 (3)

When I met with my work partner Nicolas we were surprised that our themes were really similar. His was: work hard to achieve your goals. Really similar to mine, but, mine states what happens when you don't work hard and the time period (approximate) when the hard work will be effective.

We discussed mine majorly through out the conversation. We decided mine was being too much for a universal theme of the book we read. So we decided that his was the best explaining Odysseus' situation. It wasn't a long conversation at all because we thought the more concise theme should be used to work the book analysis.

The hard work of the characters in the book (especially Odysseus( makes them achieve their goals. Practically this is what the story is built out on.

Novel Project Q3 (2.5)

Out of the many similar themes that I detected in this wonderful novel I decided that the real theme of the book is: hard work pays off later and laziness "pays" off now.

The reason why I chose this theme for the book is really simple. We see our Greek friend Odysseus having a lot of trouble through out the story; his island being taken by Suitors, being imprisoned by Calypso, leaving his family behind, controlling a entire crew alone.

His main goal is to go back home to the Kingdom if Ithaca after being away for around 20 years (never specified accurately in the book). The story takes place 10 years after the fall of Troy so now the only focus in his mind is getting back home, but, he is going to face numerous conflicts that are going to sabotage him from achieving his goal.

When I say hard work, I say that he fought so much in the book that you can really feel the need that he has to get back, and the love he has for his family. It didn't pay in that moment. All the work that he did payed him off years later when he finally gets to Ithaca and has the island in peace.

Never say all your work has gone to the garbage, just wait and see, later on you'll see it is worth it.

Ask Odysseus, he sure knows ;)

Novel Project Q3 (2)

As I read the book: The Odyssey, I found various themes within the story. Which were the following:

• That hard work pays off now and laziness pays of now.

• Work hard to achieve your goals.

• It is better to wake up and chase your dreams rather and sleep and see your dreams.

• Envy and greed gets in the way of everything.

• Control temptation

• Help is not always there for you, so when you have it = TAKE ADVANTAGE

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Effectiveness of Working in Groups

Working in groups is a lor better than working independently for various reasons. When you work independently you have all the work to yourself and it is a heck of a lor easier to work in a group where you can divide the work equally and finish faster. Another reason it is better to work in groups is because when you are working independently you have only one brain working, one point of view being expressed, and the same ways of expressing ideas. When you are working in groups (no matter the number, in this case 4) you have 4 brains working, 4 different points of view and different ways to express creativity.In groups, many people may have different interets in life. When you are assigned a project regarding for example; medicine. One person in your group may have a lot of knowledge about this topic while the others one don't and when they are having a discussion; the expert teaches the others about this specific topic. Working in grops may help you expand your knowledge about things you didn't know about.

Or it can be the other way around, people can teach you about what they are interested about and you learn from what they know.Also, when you work with other people you be friend them. Working endependently closes you mind to other people but when you are working with a nother person you can become friends with them while you educate yourselves. People you didn't even say hi to before having to do an assignment with them and that helps you a lot because you exand your social life and your acadewic abilities when it comes to chosing partners.

You leran to accept how the other people think about certain things. The more you work independently, the more you get use to your own way of thinking and start getting the idea that the way you think is the only one that can be correct. You loose yourself and learn to listen to the way of thinking of other people. If you don't like it or you still think it is wrong; the best thing to do is to combine them to make one big information bomb.In the project that we are doing know in english class we divided our assigments into equal and we finished faster. The knowledge in our work expanded, and the information we had was at least doubled of what we usually do by ourselves.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Examples of Theme

Man vs himself: In the novel Twilight. Edward has to fight against himself (his own emotions) for the love for Bella, plus the need of her blood.

Man vs nature: Movie Poseidon

Man vs society: Mean Girls.

Overcoming adversity: In the movie 300, when the little army of Spartans fight for their lives.

Friendiship is a dependence sacrifice: In the saga movie of Harry Potter, the friendship between the 3 (mainly Harry, Ron and Hermione) takes a lot of sacrifice, but they manage the issues and remain best friends

The importance of family: In the movie, Cheaper by the Dozen, the big family of 12 is a clear example of this theme.

Love conquers all: In the TV series of GLEE, love is all around the characters. Everyone has had a love story with the other which are full of complications and compasion.

Death is a part of a life cycle: In the movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Dumbledore dies. Here we can see that even the least expected face this part of the life cycle.

Sacrifices bring rewards: In Romeo and Juliet, when they give their lives to same the other one, they are sacrificing their selves so that their lovers can live. This is the reward brought from sacrifice.

Humans all have the same needs: In the movie Night in the Museum, when the caveman finally comes down and needs some love; a necessity every human being requires.

Friday, March 2, 2012

3 Questions About Group Topic (links/notes)

How effective are color contacts?
Color contacts are not that effective because people can actually notice that the colormof the person using these is not naturel. Plus, you need to remove them constantly which is really anoying. Experts say and recommend the surgery to people that want to change the color of their eyes permamently.

Can we make the new eyes change color like chamaleons?
They say that in the future they might invent artefacts to put inside the eyes to make them change color depending on sunlight and enviornmental conditions. We can’t put the chamaleon cells but these artefacts will act like chamaleon cells changing the color of you eyes.

How can LASIK surgery damage your vision?
Lasik surgery can seriously damage your vision if you don’t follow step by step the therapies. Since they are literally opening the eyes near the pupil (allows you to see) and iris (controls the light coming inside the eyes) you can seriously damage your vision.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

List of Things to Improve in Writing

I have some things to improve in my writing:

1. TAKE CARE of run-on sentences because the majority of the times that I'm writing I get inspired and i forget to put period or semi-colons. I put commas and commas and commas and i can write one sentence with 10 independent clauses :P

2. In programs that don't have Auto-Corrects; to put capital I when i use the word I because i just type the letter and expect that it would capitalize itself alone but sometimes it doesn't. This is NOT a problem when writing in paper.

3. Watch the spelling of the word: BEGINNING (i write it "beggining" majority of the times).

4. Write in a more professional way because when i write i write the exact words that come out of my mouth and some of those may be correct when you are apeaking but NOT when you are writing.
