Sunday, March 4, 2012

Examples of Theme

Man vs himself: In the novel Twilight. Edward has to fight against himself (his own emotions) for the love for Bella, plus the need of her blood.

Man vs nature: Movie Poseidon

Man vs society: Mean Girls.

Overcoming adversity: In the movie 300, when the little army of Spartans fight for their lives.

Friendiship is a dependence sacrifice: In the saga movie of Harry Potter, the friendship between the 3 (mainly Harry, Ron and Hermione) takes a lot of sacrifice, but they manage the issues and remain best friends

The importance of family: In the movie, Cheaper by the Dozen, the big family of 12 is a clear example of this theme.

Love conquers all: In the TV series of GLEE, love is all around the characters. Everyone has had a love story with the other which are full of complications and compasion.

Death is a part of a life cycle: In the movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Dumbledore dies. Here we can see that even the least expected face this part of the life cycle.

Sacrifices bring rewards: In Romeo and Juliet, when they give their lives to same the other one, they are sacrificing their selves so that their lovers can live. This is the reward brought from sacrifice.

Humans all have the same needs: In the movie Night in the Museum, when the caveman finally comes down and needs some love; a necessity every human being requires.

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