Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Effectiveness of Working in Groups

Working in groups is a lor better than working independently for various reasons. When you work independently you have all the work to yourself and it is a heck of a lor easier to work in a group where you can divide the work equally and finish faster. Another reason it is better to work in groups is because when you are working independently you have only one brain working, one point of view being expressed, and the same ways of expressing ideas. When you are working in groups (no matter the number, in this case 4) you have 4 brains working, 4 different points of view and different ways to express creativity.In groups, many people may have different interets in life. When you are assigned a project regarding for example; medicine. One person in your group may have a lot of knowledge about this topic while the others one don't and when they are having a discussion; the expert teaches the others about this specific topic. Working in grops may help you expand your knowledge about things you didn't know about.

Or it can be the other way around, people can teach you about what they are interested about and you learn from what they know.Also, when you work with other people you be friend them. Working endependently closes you mind to other people but when you are working with a nother person you can become friends with them while you educate yourselves. People you didn't even say hi to before having to do an assignment with them and that helps you a lot because you exand your social life and your acadewic abilities when it comes to chosing partners.

You leran to accept how the other people think about certain things. The more you work independently, the more you get use to your own way of thinking and start getting the idea that the way you think is the only one that can be correct. You loose yourself and learn to listen to the way of thinking of other people. If you don't like it or you still think it is wrong; the best thing to do is to combine them to make one big information bomb.In the project that we are doing know in english class we divided our assigments into equal and we finished faster. The knowledge in our work expanded, and the information we had was at least doubled of what we usually do by ourselves.

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