Sunday, March 25, 2012

Novel Project Q3 (2.5)

Out of the many similar themes that I detected in this wonderful novel I decided that the real theme of the book is: hard work pays off later and laziness "pays" off now.

The reason why I chose this theme for the book is really simple. We see our Greek friend Odysseus having a lot of trouble through out the story; his island being taken by Suitors, being imprisoned by Calypso, leaving his family behind, controlling a entire crew alone.

His main goal is to go back home to the Kingdom if Ithaca after being away for around 20 years (never specified accurately in the book). The story takes place 10 years after the fall of Troy so now the only focus in his mind is getting back home, but, he is going to face numerous conflicts that are going to sabotage him from achieving his goal.

When I say hard work, I say that he fought so much in the book that you can really feel the need that he has to get back, and the love he has for his family. It didn't pay in that moment. All the work that he did payed him off years later when he finally gets to Ithaca and has the island in peace.

Never say all your work has gone to the garbage, just wait and see, later on you'll see it is worth it.

Ask Odysseus, he sure knows ;)

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