Friday, March 30, 2012

Quarter 4 Project Rubrics


Knowing: Watch a video summarig the play. (DONE)

Understanding: Watch the entire movie (DONE)

Applying: Fill in a worksheet with characterization and plot. (CLASS #1)

Analyzing: Get the actual script of the play written by Shakespeare and analyze the use of the language. (CLASS #1) 

Evaluating: In your group discuss the different characters, the plot, the language used and your personal. (CLASS #2)

Creating: Act out a portion if the play (dressed and everything) to show the class every aspect of Shakespeare. (CLASS #2)


Knowing: Watch a video summarizing his life and his work. (CLASS #3)

Understanding: Take notes about the video and study them. (CLASS #3)

Applying: Make a ptesentation to the class about Shakespeare's life. (CLASS #4)

Analyzing: Compare and contrast him to Miguel de Cervantea and authors from other nationalities. (CLASS #4) 

Evaluating: Discuss your opinions about what Shakespeare was thinking or going trough his mind when he wrote his plays. (CLASS #5) 

Creating: Dress up as Shakespeare and present a monolouge of him presenting his life. (CLASS #5)

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