Monday, October 31, 2011

Persuasive Essay (Public Health)

          Public Health is something that every citizen of the entire community of the world should have access to. Throughout the world we have seen countries that have a very good institution of public health, some that a percentage of the population have access to and others that don't have it at ALL. People don't often think that the access to public health is very important but it is, and there are many reasons to it.

          One of the many reasons that the access to public health is fundamental is because in a community EVERYONE should have the chance to have medical care of somewhat. In some countries (for example Colombia) medical attention is given mainly to people with a high economic status and the ones that don't have the money to pay the VERY EXPENSIVE health care don't get it. PLease bother and look at the possibilities of whom this people might be; A pregnant woman, a kid with asthma, or a person victim of an accident that might be bleeding to DEATH. This might seem just words to you but to know that when have all the medical care he have and they are people that cannot even buy pills for their own health. There have been cases in colombia that poor people get injured and neither the police of the government pays the medical care just because "they need to pay it themselves" which is a completely illogical mentality.

          Human Right #1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. If this is a "right" why do countries like Central African Republic, Somalia, Ethiopia have the lowest life expectancies (45-50 years of age). Why do more than one sixth of the population of Africa is not able to get medical attention nor medicine. This is all because the government doesn't install sufficient hospitals, medical centers, etc and/or make the access to medicine a possibility for people with low resources. We have seen that communist nations like North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia don't have a lot of problems concerning this cause but other countries that are not exactly communist do have these kinds of problems  because the government needs to break in inside the medical administrations for all to have the same or at least a good medical care for all.

          The fact that a person doesn't have money does not mean that they don't have the right to medical care, yes medical care is very expensive but they don't need to attend the people that have the amount of money to pay but to help them in some way to be able to pay medical care. the word "PUBLIC" in Public Health Care is really important because it is NOT private property. It is something that all the community should have access to, maybe some more than others but what needs to be done is that no human being should be left without medical care. What we are trying to do is to persuade the governmental organs of the countries of the world (ministries of health) especially to give the opportunity for people of low resources to have access to proper medical care. By making this change many things can change in a one single country; life expectancy will rise, death rate lowers, will make it a good place to live in, and most importantly it makes it a better place for everyone that would the be healthier than now.

          Lastly, remembering that everyone should have the opportunity to receive help from expert people or facilities to maintain their bodies healthy; it might make a change in world health as well. When people are well attended no matter their gender, ethnicity, economic status or whatever dofference they might have it will create peace.


Sunday, October 30, 2011


Style; a very short and simple word, but it can mean more than you think. Style is the trait that shows you you are. Every has a different style in clothing, music and way of thinking and it all varies from the way YOU think and what other people think. It is really difficult to find two people that have EXACTLY the same style as you, it is something that every individual has that is UNIQUE (like fingerprints). Style is also something that shows who you are and also you way of thinking. For example: Lady Gaga, she has a very unique style in her clothing (especially) music and that shows who she is.

Pathos, Ethos & Logos


•The REASONING you give to the audience.


•Is the way in which you APEAL to the audience.


•Is the CREDIBILITY about you topic you give to the audience.

Preposition Sentences


The book was about world history.

The exposition was all about modern art.


The dress was entirely made of meat.

The computer had a screen made of solid gold.


The vase was sitting on top of the table.

The celebrity was on top of the roof.


The dog was in the cage.

The cat went in the house.


This flowers are for her.

This letters are for the prime minister.


Are you going to the party?

Is she going to class?


My dad is at the airport.

My mom is at her office.


I am from the southern United States.

I come from Asia.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Makes Something Persuasive

Some elements of making something persuasive where shown in the video that we saw in class about the wild horses in the wast region on the United States. They used a plot twist because first the showed the happy horses running the American deserts all happy and suddenly they show them being taking to slaughter houses and being killed. Another really good technique that i saw in the video was that they only showed the point of view of the people that want to protect the horses and no the point of view of the ranchers so you are feeling bad for them because they are not showing you WHY and the reasons WHY this is happening. Other techniques that they used was to use the facts that those horses were part of the American pride and history so anyone that was American would help to preserve the pureness of their nation. They also showed famous people in the video to persuade people from doing the same thing as their idols. All of these are also used in comerciales and ads all around the world. By implementing all of these characteristics regarding whatever topic you might persuade of convince someone from something you want them to believe or follow.







Novel Project Q2 (2)

Progressive Time: when an author keeps moving forward in events, and has his events ordered in chronological order.

Ex: Alice in Wonderland is a book in which flashbacks are never presented so it's written in progressive time.

Digressive Time: when an author starts at the end and goes through the book with flashbacks.

Ex: Harry Potter is a series of books that in each one has a set of various flashbacks that clarify events in the story so it's written in digressive time.

Suspense: It isa feeling of anxiety and stress within a story.

Ex: Many books present suspense. When a chapter or the entire book ends with the problems unsolved that creates a feeling of anxiety to know whats going to happen.

Symbolism: The use of specific object or images to represent abstract ideas.

Ex: The wind in the movie Pocahontas is an example of this because it represents the spirit of her mother's spirit.

Foreshadowing: Where future events, or perhaps the outcome in a story are suggested by the author before they happen.

Ex: In the movie Cinderella the look of anger of her stepmother tells the viewers whats going to happen next. Eventually she gets locked up in a room.

Flashback: Is when the story pauses and moves to a time or a event that happened before that (in the past).

Ex: In the movie Lion King, simba remembers the death of his father back when he died while having a fight with his uncle.

Atmosphere: The emotional condition formed by a piece within the setting, it refers to a general sense or feeling.

Ex: In the movie Extremely Goofy, his son is going to collage and when he comes backminto the house the atmosphere is very particular because it is empty and quiet.

Plot Twist: It's a change in the expected development of the story, the are often foreshadowed by small clues.

Ex: In the movie Bambi, when he is with his mom and they are eating grass in the beginning of spring there is a change in color, music and the actions of the mother tells tells that something is going to happen and have a change drastically in the story and the story has a twist.

Link To Grammar Video

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Upgrade Journal

Dear Ms. Shawn,

I need an upgrade on my mythology project because I did a poor job in some benchmarks and areas. Even though in some areas it just to fix one little tiny thing to get the four, I need to upgrade to turn those 1 into 4 by fixing those areas. I need to improve MAKING SURE what goes where on my blog because that can cause me to get UNFAIR low grades. Just being careful in what section you put stuff can turn a 1 or 0 to a 4. I will also improve improving my writing because in various areas of this project I missed out in some really crucial stuff that where the things that were looked for so that got me a lot of low grades. Writing with everything that is asked for and more will raise up my grade.

For future projects I will meet the deadline of all the things that are required for thee and avoid this problems by doing the following: establishing a schedule to make my english homework and for it not be be crossed with my other responsibilities. Another thing is that I will do to avoid this type of problem is that I will put more effort in my writing and get use to making sure where things go on my blog.

Editing Marks (Cheat Sheet)

Online Flashcards Link

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Journal - My Best Audience Behavior

My best audience behavior is that I always acknowledge the work of other people. I always clap and pay attention to the speaker. Even though it doesn't look like it, I am.

What i need to improve is to SHOW that I am paying attention. I have the ability to pay attention to someone and do another thing at once (talking) so that is something that might offend the performer/speaker so I need to demonstrate that i am paying attention for them no to feel bad.

I have improved in actually a lot of stuff for instance: Not making drastic noises during the performance of someone else, not speaking to my neighbors in a LOUD voice and acknowledging the work of other people as I mentioned earlier.

Journal - If I Were a god...

If I were a god i would make WORLD PEACE a reality. This world has turned into a sphere of violence and it constantly having conflicts that involve everyone. Violation of EVERYTHING. They always say that world peace is going to happen, and guess what, it doesn't. Imagine the world with peace everywhere. No more fear of anything or anywhere. That would be pure PERFECTION! With the power that "gods" have with a snap of my fingers i could make all of this happen. That's what i would do if I were a god. :D

Journal - The Worst Audience Behavior

The worst audience behavior is NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE SPEAKER. That could be the worst audience behavior plus being a great disrespect and offense to the person that is speaking. It may cause you consequences because then you miss what he/she is saying and that might be REALLY important to you or to other listeners. If you make noise that's even worse because you are distracting yourself, other listeners and the person presenting. I have been that person presenting and it fells BAD when other people are having other conversations and you get distracted because you want to have everybody's attention on YOU. That's why I think that that is the worst audience behavior.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Novel Project 3.5 (Creative Response)


Dear Lewis Carroll, 

          When I read you story "Throught the Looking Glass" I was completely astonished. I loved "Alice in Wonderland" but this one really went above and beyond my expectations. I really like how you portrait you characters in a very significant way. 

          I really liked when you showed in the book how you represented the story. The chess board with the pieces pieces that represented the story exactly how it was written in the book. Showing the voyage of the white pawn all the way through the chess board (Alice throughout the story). '

          Another thing that I enjoyed about this is that you created a character with certain characteristics and throughout the story, those specific characteristics that this character has (in this case Alice) transform into characteristics that you would never expect from that SAME character. 

         The nursery rhymes in the story were absolutely fantastic. All of them connected to the story in one way or another and it helped you understand more deeply the story (poems that were context clues) it gave you the sense on where the story is headed and what are the things that are going to happen. They were really helpful because some part of the book were very difficult to understand and so these poems guided you through the difficult parts of the story. 

         To finish I say that your story was really good and it is the story that people can't take their eyes off, plus the relations you make with the chess board and the other book make even more exciting and fun. 


          Pablo Tello Zuluaga 

Novel Project 3.0 (Comments)

Mateo Osorio:

Mateo's blog is really complete, his way of writing is admirable, he interpreted his novel in a really good way and you can see that he really read it. His plot summary is a bit short but in quality he explains all the things that need to interpreted in a plot summary. Keep up the good work!

Mathias Kling:

Mathias did a good job, but, he should work more in terms of going more into the story and describing more deeply what are the significant events in Catching Fire. I also liked his letter to the author. Work on those things and you'll haver a pretty good writing style.

Alejandro Samper: 

It could be the most complete blog that I have visited, he explains every single detail deeply and apart from that he went beyond what the guidelines told him to do so... Really good. His character development paragraph is perfect!

Novel Project 2.5 (Plot and Character Development)

Plot and Character Development (2.5)
Exposition: Alice is in her grandmother’s house in the woods, she is in the living room playing with her granny’s cat while she comes back from the supermarket. She suddenly realizes that there is something weird happening in the mirror on top of the fire place mantel. She climbs there and looks through the glass of the mirror. She is transported to an alternative world, a world that she knew, that she had visited before; Wonderland. She finds a book full of poetry and she discovers a poem called “Jabberwocky”
Rising Action #1: She goes out of the house and finds a garden full of human-speech flowers; there she meets the Red Queen. Alice was really impressed at her ability of moving at extremely fast speeds (the one a queen has in chess, making it the most agile piece of the entire game). The country side was a gigantic chess board. The Red Queen tells Alice that she will make her a queen if she can go through all the eight parts of the country side (the eight rows of the chess board). She accepts, Alice is placed on the second rank as one of the White Queen’s pawns (pawns always start on the second row). She gets sent in a train directly to the fourth rank due to the fact that pawns can advance two places in their first move. 
Rising Action #2: Alice encounters twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They were reciting a nursery rhyme called “The Walrus and the Carpenter”. In a nearby tree, the Red King was sleeping and snoring. When he woke up he saw Alice and told her that he was having a dream with her, an epic “heroic” dream. There she meets the White Queen which is psychic. The were crossing a bridge to the fifth rank (row) when suddenly the queen turns into a talking sheep and they are now in a little row boat crossing the fifth rank. 
Rising Action #3: Alice manages to resist the sheep as she shouted and annoys her. They cross another brook to the sixth rank together. The sheep disappears and then she encounters the White King and his horse men who are in duty of protecting her of the Red Knight. With the horsemen there is the lion and the unicorn which are involved on a fight. The White Kings tells Alice that in order to become queen and pass to the eight rank (when pawns reach the other side of the board become queens) she must avoid the Red Knight 
Climax: She is walking in the woods entering the forest. The Red Knight Spots her and come to get her. The White Knight comes instantly and fight the Red Knight in order to protect the white pawn (Alice). The RK stabs the WK and he falls to the floor, ALice in that moment grabs his sword and cuts of the RK’s arm, he bleeds to death. The woods open up and she sees the eighth rank, where the White Queen is waiting for her with a crown in her hand. 
Falling Action: Alice gets crowned queen of Wonderland. Both the White and the Red Queens make a party for the new queen. The party was really good until the party becomes a total chaos, everybody was crazy and started to make a mess everywhere and Alice couldn’t take anymore nonsense. She grabbed the Red Queen and started shaking her because she was the one for the chaos of the entire day, she suddenly started to see herself growing and growing and suddenly the Red Queen turned into a black cat.
Resolution: She opens her eyes and she seeds that she is shaking her granny’s cat. She is completely perplexed when she realized that she was in the living room of her grandma’s house. All of her adventure was just a fantasy, a dream. THE END 
Character Development: Alice has always been known as the saint girl and the girl who is always polite and always is in a good mood. At the beginning of the story she was like this all the time. She never hesitated about anything, not even when the Red Queen challenged her. A 12 year old girl would cry for their mommy if they are in another world but she stayed calm and always with a smile on her face. Throughout the story she starts loosing clam, when they are in the boat the sheep completely annoys her by screaming meaningless things and she kept calm but in context cues you could see that she was loosing it. When she in in the scene when she actually gets a sword and harms the Red Knight that you wouldn’t expect from a girl like Alice. All the events that happened in the story made her loose control. And finally when she grabs the Red Queen and starts shake her and shouting at a QUEEN. There you can see that the events of the day transformed Alice into a more strong girl. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Myth Final Draft

Once upon a time, in London United Kingdom. A magical witch founded a school called “Rowena’s Castle of Wizardry” in honor of the gods. In the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Rowena grabbed a pair of scissors and gave them to her baby Stacy (she was 3 years old) and she cut the ribbon celebrating the opening of the school. In that moment, Rowena gave her necklace to her daughter (it had goddess Athena in the middle). 
36 years later...
Stacy’s daughter Alisha attended her grandmother’s school and she was in 8th grade. she was the best student of her grade (by far). She had n amazing talent in battle magic. Her dream was to be the captain of the battle team of her school and remain being the best student. 
Her school was placed on a floating rock in the sky. The students transported themselves magically to the school so there was no need for school buses. Every single day was like this for her. She never had trouble getting things done. One day she was walking down the hallway and she encountered her battle club trainer, he told her that they had a very important meeting at 3:30 in the gym. 
She went to the gym at that time and her coach had them sitting down in a circle on the floor. “Ladies, today we will name the new captain of our club”, he said. Everyone was really exited. “Our new captain is... Alisha!”, he finished. Alisha in the moment jumped into the air in excitement. Lindsey, her worst enemy since kindergarden stared at her with madness and grief. 
“Thank you guys so much for this opportunity and this honor, I promise to be the best captain this team has ever had”, said Alisha panting with excitement. After the practice her coach gave her the contract for her to sign. The condition to remain captain was to attend practice practice every single plus write essays on the development of the team. In the middle of her emotion she didn’t consider that it was going to be a little heavy and she signed the contract. 
For and entire week she attended practice happily. Although, she was noticing she was having less free time because she also needed her homework done on time and with perfect quality. Two weeks later, her science teacher came to her and told her to come to his room at the end of the day. She did so. “Alisha, I have a preposition to make; I want you  to be an executive member of the Wizard Council (Student Council), are you in?”, he asked. She was completely astonished because she always wanted to a member. She said yes instantly. The requirements were to keep high grades, to stay one hour after her battle practice and to have no discipline problems. 
Alisha was filled with happiness, she was so excited that when she got home she told her mom. Stacy was very happy for her daughter, but also a little bit worried.  
Over the days Alisha completed her duties in her classes, as captain of the school’s battle club, and as an executive member of the Wizard Council. In the middle of all these hard duties she didn’t notice that she wasn’t in touch with any of her friends and that she was sleeping less and not very good. 
The next morning on school she was practically sleepwalking because she wasn’t having good sleep. 
Walking down the hallway she saw her battle coach. “Hey captain, hey I need you to make a page about every teammate for tomorrow please”, he said. Alisha panted. Then she saw Mr. Sprout (director of the Wizard Council). “Alisha, I need you to help me this afternoon with the decorations of the homecoming, can I count on you?”, he asked. “I, I...”, she mumbled. “Great, see you there”, he said walking way. Oh no, oh no, oh no”, she thought in her mind. She saw both her english and math teachers at the same time. “Remember the project is for tomorrow”, they said together. Alisha started to run to run down the hallway desperately. When she was right in front of her locker, she fell down and all of her books landed on the floor. When she looked up, the least wanted person was looking at her. 
Lindsey, her worst enemy. “Oh, look who is on the floor, Alisha, the granddaughter of the founder of this school. Hahahahahahaha, whats wrong? Can’y you handle the pressure anymore. I always knew the position of captain was rightfully mine, another thing you ruined”, she said with anger. “Shut up! You don’t get all the privileges i get for one reason; you are a horrible person”, Alisha said with pleasure. “Me?, at least i wasn’t the one that ruined another persons’ life!”, she shouted. 
“Welcome back kindergarden students!”, said the teacher. “So, you guys are going to draw what you did on spring break”. Lindsey was sitting beside Alisha; they had a cup of water for both of them. Alisha turned around to ask the teacher a question and she accidentally spilled the water all over Lindsey’s pants. “Oh, I am sorry Lindsey”, Alisha apologized. The entire class started: “Lindsey peed her pants” over and over. Before Alisha could do anything else could do anything else, she ran out of the class crying. 
“Oh m god, seriously?” said Alisha. “I can’t believe you are still mad at me for that stupid accident that happened 7 years ago”. “Not if they called you Pipi Pants for over three years more. “You are jealous”, Alisha said. “You admit that you are having trouble being the best”, Lindsey said. Alisha stayed quite, she couldn’t say anything else because that was her darkest secret. 
“Well... you are having trouble finding friends!” said Alisha. In that same moment Lindsey jumped over Alisha to hit her; they were on the floor hitting each other and screaming. The principal came to them and separated them with a flick of his wand. “What is going on?!” he demanded to know. Suddenly, Alisha loss strengths and fainted. 
She woke up in the nurse, she noticed her mom was talking to the nurse to know what happened. “I can’t keep up with this anymore”, she whispered to herself. When she was strong enough to stand, she went home. When she was in her bedroom, her grandfather came in. “Hey, your mom told me you fainted today in school, I know why”. Alisha looked a him. “You have too many responsibilities Alisha, you are loosing friends, focus and concentration and most importantly; rest. Your mom use to be the same, she had the same problem when she was in eighth grade. What she did to fix it was really simple. “What?”, Alisha asked. 
“Drop some of it off; not all of that can be as important as you relationship with your friends, nor your brain getting damaged from so much work”, he finished tapping her for head with his finger. 
The next day at school she went to her battle coach and told him that she dropped of as captain, and that she just wanted to be another member of the team. Later that day, she went to Mr. Sprout and told him she didn’t want to be in the Wizard Council anymore. 
The results couldn’t be more satisfying. She was sleeping very well and she had a lot more time for her friends. Still, she was the best student of the entire grade. 
One of her friends told her that they named Lindsey captain and that she was also accepted in the Wizard Council. Alisha thought it was going to be hell but then she realized that she was going to suffer the same way she did or even more. 
The next morning Lindsey came and bragged her new titles in Alisha’s face. Alisha said two things: Congratulations and It not as it seems. Lindsey was really confused. 
That night in her house her mom came into her room. “Hey hon, I heard that you dropped off as captain and as a member of the council”. “Yeah, it was not worth it”, Alisha said. “I remember I used to be like that too, my father told me to drop all those things, or at least to try and not have too many responsibilities. Always remember Alisha, the gods are always there for you, they lead you to the right path. Stacy took her necklace and gave it to Alisha. “Thanks mom”, she said. 
In the end, Alisha’s secret was revealed, she could’t be the best in everything.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Synonyms" & "Antonyms"


     S: Drum
     A: Wind Instrument


     S: Infinity
     A: Second


     S: Gossip
     A: Secret


     S: Achievement
     A: Laziness


     S: Slow
     A: Fast


     S: Conflict
     A: Freedom


     S: Concentrate
     A: Sleepy


     S: Compulsive
     A: Understanding


     S: Shouting
     A: Silence


     S: Knowledge
     A: Ignorance


     S: Plate
     A: Sphere


     S: Noise
     A: Quiet


     S: Failure
     A: Saint


     S: Ego
     A: Humility


     S: Guess
     A: Research


     S: Spoiled
     A: Kind