Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Novel Project Q2 (2)

Progressive Time: when an author keeps moving forward in events, and has his events ordered in chronological order.

Ex: Alice in Wonderland is a book in which flashbacks are never presented so it's written in progressive time.

Digressive Time: when an author starts at the end and goes through the book with flashbacks.

Ex: Harry Potter is a series of books that in each one has a set of various flashbacks that clarify events in the story so it's written in digressive time.

Suspense: It isa feeling of anxiety and stress within a story.

Ex: Many books present suspense. When a chapter or the entire book ends with the problems unsolved that creates a feeling of anxiety to know whats going to happen.

Symbolism: The use of specific object or images to represent abstract ideas.

Ex: The wind in the movie Pocahontas is an example of this because it represents the spirit of her mother's spirit.

Foreshadowing: Where future events, or perhaps the outcome in a story are suggested by the author before they happen.

Ex: In the movie Cinderella the look of anger of her stepmother tells the viewers whats going to happen next. Eventually she gets locked up in a room.

Flashback: Is when the story pauses and moves to a time or a event that happened before that (in the past).

Ex: In the movie Lion King, simba remembers the death of his father back when he died while having a fight with his uncle.

Atmosphere: The emotional condition formed by a piece within the setting, it refers to a general sense or feeling.

Ex: In the movie Extremely Goofy, his son is going to collage and when he comes backminto the house the atmosphere is very particular because it is empty and quiet.

Plot Twist: It's a change in the expected development of the story, the are often foreshadowed by small clues.

Ex: In the movie Bambi, when he is with his mom and they are eating grass in the beginning of spring there is a change in color, music and the actions of the mother tells tells that something is going to happen and have a change drastically in the story and the story has a twist.

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