Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Makes Something Persuasive

Some elements of making something persuasive where shown in the video that we saw in class about the wild horses in the wast region on the United States. They used a plot twist because first the showed the happy horses running the American deserts all happy and suddenly they show them being taking to slaughter houses and being killed. Another really good technique that i saw in the video was that they only showed the point of view of the people that want to protect the horses and no the point of view of the ranchers so you are feeling bad for them because they are not showing you WHY and the reasons WHY this is happening. Other techniques that they used was to use the facts that those horses were part of the American pride and history so anyone that was American would help to preserve the pureness of their nation. They also showed famous people in the video to persuade people from doing the same thing as their idols. All of these are also used in comerciales and ads all around the world. By implementing all of these characteristics regarding whatever topic you might persuade of convince someone from something you want them to believe or follow.

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