Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Novel Project 3.0 (Comments)

Mateo Osorio:

Mateo's blog is really complete, his way of writing is admirable, he interpreted his novel in a really good way and you can see that he really read it. His plot summary is a bit short but in quality he explains all the things that need to interpreted in a plot summary. Keep up the good work!

Mathias Kling:

Mathias did a good job, but, he should work more in terms of going more into the story and describing more deeply what are the significant events in Catching Fire. I also liked his letter to the author. Work on those things and you'll haver a pretty good writing style.

Alejandro Samper: 

It could be the most complete blog that I have visited, he explains every single detail deeply and apart from that he went beyond what the guidelines told him to do so... Really good. His character development paragraph is perfect!

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