Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Novel Project 2.5 (Plot and Character Development)

Plot and Character Development (2.5)
Exposition: Alice is in her grandmother’s house in the woods, she is in the living room playing with her granny’s cat while she comes back from the supermarket. She suddenly realizes that there is something weird happening in the mirror on top of the fire place mantel. She climbs there and looks through the glass of the mirror. She is transported to an alternative world, a world that she knew, that she had visited before; Wonderland. She finds a book full of poetry and she discovers a poem called “Jabberwocky”
Rising Action #1: She goes out of the house and finds a garden full of human-speech flowers; there she meets the Red Queen. Alice was really impressed at her ability of moving at extremely fast speeds (the one a queen has in chess, making it the most agile piece of the entire game). The country side was a gigantic chess board. The Red Queen tells Alice that she will make her a queen if she can go through all the eight parts of the country side (the eight rows of the chess board). She accepts, Alice is placed on the second rank as one of the White Queen’s pawns (pawns always start on the second row). She gets sent in a train directly to the fourth rank due to the fact that pawns can advance two places in their first move. 
Rising Action #2: Alice encounters twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They were reciting a nursery rhyme called “The Walrus and the Carpenter”. In a nearby tree, the Red King was sleeping and snoring. When he woke up he saw Alice and told her that he was having a dream with her, an epic “heroic” dream. There she meets the White Queen which is psychic. The were crossing a bridge to the fifth rank (row) when suddenly the queen turns into a talking sheep and they are now in a little row boat crossing the fifth rank. 
Rising Action #3: Alice manages to resist the sheep as she shouted and annoys her. They cross another brook to the sixth rank together. The sheep disappears and then she encounters the White King and his horse men who are in duty of protecting her of the Red Knight. With the horsemen there is the lion and the unicorn which are involved on a fight. The White Kings tells Alice that in order to become queen and pass to the eight rank (when pawns reach the other side of the board become queens) she must avoid the Red Knight 
Climax: She is walking in the woods entering the forest. The Red Knight Spots her and come to get her. The White Knight comes instantly and fight the Red Knight in order to protect the white pawn (Alice). The RK stabs the WK and he falls to the floor, ALice in that moment grabs his sword and cuts of the RK’s arm, he bleeds to death. The woods open up and she sees the eighth rank, where the White Queen is waiting for her with a crown in her hand. 
Falling Action: Alice gets crowned queen of Wonderland. Both the White and the Red Queens make a party for the new queen. The party was really good until the party becomes a total chaos, everybody was crazy and started to make a mess everywhere and Alice couldn’t take anymore nonsense. She grabbed the Red Queen and started shaking her because she was the one for the chaos of the entire day, she suddenly started to see herself growing and growing and suddenly the Red Queen turned into a black cat.
Resolution: She opens her eyes and she seeds that she is shaking her granny’s cat. She is completely perplexed when she realized that she was in the living room of her grandma’s house. All of her adventure was just a fantasy, a dream. THE END 
Character Development: Alice has always been known as the saint girl and the girl who is always polite and always is in a good mood. At the beginning of the story she was like this all the time. She never hesitated about anything, not even when the Red Queen challenged her. A 12 year old girl would cry for their mommy if they are in another world but she stayed calm and always with a smile on her face. Throughout the story she starts loosing clam, when they are in the boat the sheep completely annoys her by screaming meaningless things and she kept calm but in context cues you could see that she was loosing it. When she in in the scene when she actually gets a sword and harms the Red Knight that you wouldn’t expect from a girl like Alice. All the events that happened in the story made her loose control. And finally when she grabs the Red Queen and starts shake her and shouting at a QUEEN. There you can see that the events of the day transformed Alice into a more strong girl. 


  1. Dear Pablo,
    your characterization and plot were great. Very little detail given for the reader to be encouraged to read the book. The only thing I didn't see was they way you felt about Alice, did you feel sorry for her, did you feel angry with her, did you agreed with her and felt happy with the decisions she did in the book and why. I hated the ending, I never thought it would end this way. Anyhow, wonderful plot and characterization.
    Sincerely, Nicolas

  2. I think Pablo did a good job. I think his idea to write a letter to the author was original though I think he should´ve usen a more complex vocabulary and should´ve done it a bit longer. He is also missing benchmarks 1.5 and 2. His ideas should of been more extended, meaning longer. Now, regarding with the plot, he goes very deep into the ideas. I like how his paragraphs are short but yet descriptive. - Alma

  3. Pablo: I love the way you explain how alice is such an aneglic girl and how she always has a smile on her face. But how during the story she starts to change into a less tolerant person. I loved how you described the book in such a magical way.
