Monday, October 31, 2011

Persuasive Essay (Public Health)

          Public Health is something that every citizen of the entire community of the world should have access to. Throughout the world we have seen countries that have a very good institution of public health, some that a percentage of the population have access to and others that don't have it at ALL. People don't often think that the access to public health is very important but it is, and there are many reasons to it.

          One of the many reasons that the access to public health is fundamental is because in a community EVERYONE should have the chance to have medical care of somewhat. In some countries (for example Colombia) medical attention is given mainly to people with a high economic status and the ones that don't have the money to pay the VERY EXPENSIVE health care don't get it. PLease bother and look at the possibilities of whom this people might be; A pregnant woman, a kid with asthma, or a person victim of an accident that might be bleeding to DEATH. This might seem just words to you but to know that when have all the medical care he have and they are people that cannot even buy pills for their own health. There have been cases in colombia that poor people get injured and neither the police of the government pays the medical care just because "they need to pay it themselves" which is a completely illogical mentality.

          Human Right #1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. If this is a "right" why do countries like Central African Republic, Somalia, Ethiopia have the lowest life expectancies (45-50 years of age). Why do more than one sixth of the population of Africa is not able to get medical attention nor medicine. This is all because the government doesn't install sufficient hospitals, medical centers, etc and/or make the access to medicine a possibility for people with low resources. We have seen that communist nations like North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia don't have a lot of problems concerning this cause but other countries that are not exactly communist do have these kinds of problems  because the government needs to break in inside the medical administrations for all to have the same or at least a good medical care for all.

          The fact that a person doesn't have money does not mean that they don't have the right to medical care, yes medical care is very expensive but they don't need to attend the people that have the amount of money to pay but to help them in some way to be able to pay medical care. the word "PUBLIC" in Public Health Care is really important because it is NOT private property. It is something that all the community should have access to, maybe some more than others but what needs to be done is that no human being should be left without medical care. What we are trying to do is to persuade the governmental organs of the countries of the world (ministries of health) especially to give the opportunity for people of low resources to have access to proper medical care. By making this change many things can change in a one single country; life expectancy will rise, death rate lowers, will make it a good place to live in, and most importantly it makes it a better place for everyone that would the be healthier than now.

          Lastly, remembering that everyone should have the opportunity to receive help from expert people or facilities to maintain their bodies healthy; it might make a change in world health as well. When people are well attended no matter their gender, ethnicity, economic status or whatever dofference they might have it will create peace.


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