Saturday, October 22, 2011

Upgrade Journal

Dear Ms. Shawn,

I need an upgrade on my mythology project because I did a poor job in some benchmarks and areas. Even though in some areas it just to fix one little tiny thing to get the four, I need to upgrade to turn those 1 into 4 by fixing those areas. I need to improve MAKING SURE what goes where on my blog because that can cause me to get UNFAIR low grades. Just being careful in what section you put stuff can turn a 1 or 0 to a 4. I will also improve improving my writing because in various areas of this project I missed out in some really crucial stuff that where the things that were looked for so that got me a lot of low grades. Writing with everything that is asked for and more will raise up my grade.

For future projects I will meet the deadline of all the things that are required for thee and avoid this problems by doing the following: establishing a schedule to make my english homework and for it not be be crossed with my other responsibilities. Another thing is that I will do to avoid this type of problem is that I will put more effort in my writing and get use to making sure where things go on my blog.

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