Monday, October 17, 2011

Myth Final Draft

Once upon a time, in London United Kingdom. A magical witch founded a school called “Rowena’s Castle of Wizardry” in honor of the gods. In the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Rowena grabbed a pair of scissors and gave them to her baby Stacy (she was 3 years old) and she cut the ribbon celebrating the opening of the school. In that moment, Rowena gave her necklace to her daughter (it had goddess Athena in the middle). 
36 years later...
Stacy’s daughter Alisha attended her grandmother’s school and she was in 8th grade. she was the best student of her grade (by far). She had n amazing talent in battle magic. Her dream was to be the captain of the battle team of her school and remain being the best student. 
Her school was placed on a floating rock in the sky. The students transported themselves magically to the school so there was no need for school buses. Every single day was like this for her. She never had trouble getting things done. One day she was walking down the hallway and she encountered her battle club trainer, he told her that they had a very important meeting at 3:30 in the gym. 
She went to the gym at that time and her coach had them sitting down in a circle on the floor. “Ladies, today we will name the new captain of our club”, he said. Everyone was really exited. “Our new captain is... Alisha!”, he finished. Alisha in the moment jumped into the air in excitement. Lindsey, her worst enemy since kindergarden stared at her with madness and grief. 
“Thank you guys so much for this opportunity and this honor, I promise to be the best captain this team has ever had”, said Alisha panting with excitement. After the practice her coach gave her the contract for her to sign. The condition to remain captain was to attend practice practice every single plus write essays on the development of the team. In the middle of her emotion she didn’t consider that it was going to be a little heavy and she signed the contract. 
For and entire week she attended practice happily. Although, she was noticing she was having less free time because she also needed her homework done on time and with perfect quality. Two weeks later, her science teacher came to her and told her to come to his room at the end of the day. She did so. “Alisha, I have a preposition to make; I want you  to be an executive member of the Wizard Council (Student Council), are you in?”, he asked. She was completely astonished because she always wanted to a member. She said yes instantly. The requirements were to keep high grades, to stay one hour after her battle practice and to have no discipline problems. 
Alisha was filled with happiness, she was so excited that when she got home she told her mom. Stacy was very happy for her daughter, but also a little bit worried.  
Over the days Alisha completed her duties in her classes, as captain of the school’s battle club, and as an executive member of the Wizard Council. In the middle of all these hard duties she didn’t notice that she wasn’t in touch with any of her friends and that she was sleeping less and not very good. 
The next morning on school she was practically sleepwalking because she wasn’t having good sleep. 
Walking down the hallway she saw her battle coach. “Hey captain, hey I need you to make a page about every teammate for tomorrow please”, he said. Alisha panted. Then she saw Mr. Sprout (director of the Wizard Council). “Alisha, I need you to help me this afternoon with the decorations of the homecoming, can I count on you?”, he asked. “I, I...”, she mumbled. “Great, see you there”, he said walking way. Oh no, oh no, oh no”, she thought in her mind. She saw both her english and math teachers at the same time. “Remember the project is for tomorrow”, they said together. Alisha started to run to run down the hallway desperately. When she was right in front of her locker, she fell down and all of her books landed on the floor. When she looked up, the least wanted person was looking at her. 
Lindsey, her worst enemy. “Oh, look who is on the floor, Alisha, the granddaughter of the founder of this school. Hahahahahahaha, whats wrong? Can’y you handle the pressure anymore. I always knew the position of captain was rightfully mine, another thing you ruined”, she said with anger. “Shut up! You don’t get all the privileges i get for one reason; you are a horrible person”, Alisha said with pleasure. “Me?, at least i wasn’t the one that ruined another persons’ life!”, she shouted. 
“Welcome back kindergarden students!”, said the teacher. “So, you guys are going to draw what you did on spring break”. Lindsey was sitting beside Alisha; they had a cup of water for both of them. Alisha turned around to ask the teacher a question and she accidentally spilled the water all over Lindsey’s pants. “Oh, I am sorry Lindsey”, Alisha apologized. The entire class started: “Lindsey peed her pants” over and over. Before Alisha could do anything else could do anything else, she ran out of the class crying. 
“Oh m god, seriously?” said Alisha. “I can’t believe you are still mad at me for that stupid accident that happened 7 years ago”. “Not if they called you Pipi Pants for over three years more. “You are jealous”, Alisha said. “You admit that you are having trouble being the best”, Lindsey said. Alisha stayed quite, she couldn’t say anything else because that was her darkest secret. 
“Well... you are having trouble finding friends!” said Alisha. In that same moment Lindsey jumped over Alisha to hit her; they were on the floor hitting each other and screaming. The principal came to them and separated them with a flick of his wand. “What is going on?!” he demanded to know. Suddenly, Alisha loss strengths and fainted. 
She woke up in the nurse, she noticed her mom was talking to the nurse to know what happened. “I can’t keep up with this anymore”, she whispered to herself. When she was strong enough to stand, she went home. When she was in her bedroom, her grandfather came in. “Hey, your mom told me you fainted today in school, I know why”. Alisha looked a him. “You have too many responsibilities Alisha, you are loosing friends, focus and concentration and most importantly; rest. Your mom use to be the same, she had the same problem when she was in eighth grade. What she did to fix it was really simple. “What?”, Alisha asked. 
“Drop some of it off; not all of that can be as important as you relationship with your friends, nor your brain getting damaged from so much work”, he finished tapping her for head with his finger. 
The next day at school she went to her battle coach and told him that she dropped of as captain, and that she just wanted to be another member of the team. Later that day, she went to Mr. Sprout and told him she didn’t want to be in the Wizard Council anymore. 
The results couldn’t be more satisfying. She was sleeping very well and she had a lot more time for her friends. Still, she was the best student of the entire grade. 
One of her friends told her that they named Lindsey captain and that she was also accepted in the Wizard Council. Alisha thought it was going to be hell but then she realized that she was going to suffer the same way she did or even more. 
The next morning Lindsey came and bragged her new titles in Alisha’s face. Alisha said two things: Congratulations and It not as it seems. Lindsey was really confused. 
That night in her house her mom came into her room. “Hey hon, I heard that you dropped off as captain and as a member of the council”. “Yeah, it was not worth it”, Alisha said. “I remember I used to be like that too, my father told me to drop all those things, or at least to try and not have too many responsibilities. Always remember Alisha, the gods are always there for you, they lead you to the right path. Stacy took her necklace and gave it to Alisha. “Thanks mom”, she said. 
In the end, Alisha’s secret was revealed, she could’t be the best in everything.

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