Thursday, May 3, 2012

End-Of-Year Portfolio Sections


Dictator PPP: we hadmto choose a certain dictatornand make a PowerPoint presentation about the dictator you choosed. I learned a lot about Hirohito (Emperor of Japan during and after WWII) andnI learned things about that country that I never knew before and what he really did during those years of war.


Independence Poster: we needed to make a poster about the Independence of Colombia and all the aspects of that specific date. I learned the true meaning of what the colombians wanted to do and that independence was not their initail purpose.


The books I have read were: The Sea of Monsters, The Uglies, Shakespeare's Stealer, The Help, The Odyssey, and The Gatekeepers

Science Fic Project: In the unit of science fiction I made a project about how humans can change eye color in the future in more diverse ways. I learned a lot about surgeries and implants that you can have to change the color of your eyes and how did those can evolution to something more sofisticated in the future. I learned a lot in this project because I am very interested in medicine.


Justinian Protest Poster: this could something that I am moat proud of. Thr assignment was to do a poster pretending you were protesting in the Byzantine Empire against Emperor Justinian. Mine was about how religion is NOT a reasonnto discriminate somebody. My poster had that exact message at the top and had a crying eye cryingnon top of the symbols of all the religions. I learned that Justinian was a very racsist person and that he did not like anyone that was not like him.


Mathematician Report: Me and my partener Nicolas Cruz made a essay regardi of the greatest mathematicians and philosofers in the world: Bertrand Russell. He was a british philosofer that erote many books of various topics, one being how he invented the Russell's paradox which is an algebreic concept.


Nitrogen Atom Model: I had to make a 3d representing a Nitrogen Atom showing every single part ofnan atom. Protons, neutrons, electrons and mwny other cool facts from that atom the the periodic table.


Book: Farehnheit 451

Nazi Germany Project: Me and my partner Nicolas Cruz made a 20 minute documentary about Nazi Germany, the Third Reich and the Schutztaffel. We learned A LOT about the topic especially how this orhanization began long before the war and how did the manage to become so powerfull. These is a lot more behind the Holocaust. We built a deeper knowledge of what WWII was really about. Which is far more than what people think.


RMUNX: This model i attended was perhaps one of the best in my 2 years of Model United Nations. I was assigned the Historical Security Council tomrepresent the Soviet Union. The topics were very complex: Pinochet in Vhile and the separation of Yugoslavia. I won the best spokesmen of the committe and also the SmartyPants Award.

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