Sunday, May 27, 2012

Novel Project Q4 (3.5)

Nicolas Cruz and Triana's comments on my project:

I believe this is a great comment to the book. It is not short nor long. It refers to all the aspects of your book. It still needs to add  the 12 necessary words. I am impressed and I believe I am going to read this book soon with such a great description... It is enthusiastic, but you could improve not repeating so much words such as think, my, etc. Good job! 

Pablo your work is very good. The only thing I recommend you is checking on spelling and grammar in some places. Overall great work.

My comments on Nicolas Cruz's work: 

• Nice work Nicolas. Good idea to put the word, definition, page # and the modified phrase in the same post. Your definitions are very good and the way that you re-wrote the phrases was efficient because you did not change the meaning of the sentence and the other word fit perfectly. Go on and finish all your words but thus far you are doing great!

• Nicolas, I enjoyed reading your review. Especially I liked how the historical content of the book and your personal opinion are expressed within your review. Watch out for run-on sentences. Overall great work keep it up! 

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