Sunday, May 27, 2012

Novel Project Q4 (1&1.5)

Deign - pg. 2

• To think in the same way that you feel it’s right.

Pitches – pg. 2

• To set up something (Pitch).

Soothing – pg. 2

• To assuage pain

Idiosyncratic – pg. 3

• Pertaining to the nature, peculiar.

Elusive – pg. 3

• When something is hard to obtain.

Pomp – pg. 5

• A public ceremony.

Pageantry – pg. 5

• An ordinary ceremony or display.

Dislodged – pg. 6

• To change something from a fixed position.

Meritocracy – pg. 6

• A type of government in which certain individuals rule over others.

Scurrying – pg. 6

• To move quickly in small steps.

Impoverished – pg. 8

• Make someone or something poor.

Vault – pg. 11

• Arched-shaped roof.

Unbearable – pg. 15

• Intolerable.

Shied – pg. 28           

• Being extremely shy.

Imprimatur – pg. 32

• A license to publish something.

Annex – pg. 32

• Closed space taken without permission.

Quotas – pg. 35

• To share something proportional.

Prevailed – pg. 35

• Being widespread.

Frenzy – pg. 42

• Being mentally agitated.

Rungs – pg. 50

• A rounded shape.

Nouveau – pg. 53

• Recently made.

Faux – pg. 102

• Something that is artificial or fake.

Dope – pg. 183

• A thick liquid.

Reluctant – pg. 189

• Unwilling and struggling.

Vaunted – pg. 189

• Something that it praised in excess. 

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