Sunday, May 27, 2012

Novel Project Q4 (4)

The only words flowing through my head right now are: wow, genius, and re-read. When I finished the book “The Gatekeepers” by Jacques Steinberg I was completely blown away by his style of writing and particularly the story itself. This story is no faux at all. It’s reality.

The story rotates around a group of high school students applying to Wesleyan University and how their applications are being looked at from the Admission Offices and their members. Steinberg is showing both sides of the story. He shows to the world what is the reality of trying to be admitted in one of America’s most prestigious colleges, not nouveau in the minds of some people. Not entirely fiction because he uses real events and real facts to the story. One of the things that I most liked about this book is that it kind of gives you advice of how to apply to a premier collage when your time comes.

Talking about the story itself my favorite characters indeed are Becca Jannol and Julianna Bentes because both of them are very brave young women and give the spark to the story because of their ambition and dedication to be admitted into Wesleyan. I found Jordan to be arrogant and not a character that portrays the theme, it looks like he tries to impoverish everyone with his comments. I would have liked more the participation of Angie and Tiffany (liked her “soothing voice”) since they were characters that made the story comfortable since both of them had a really good attitude and were not “spoiling” certain moments. It seemed like they were shied all the time.

One of my favorite parts of the book is when Becca is bumped on the waiting list and when more and more students from all over the world are being put on the waiting list, Becca does whatever she needs and can do to get out of the list. She fights and fights and even though she stays there for a long time, she never gives up. I kind of found that part of the book very inspirational.

Another of my favorite parts of the book is when all the Wesleyan University admissions staff is having their annual meeting in their private annex and they talk about all the places they went looking for interested high school students wanting to apply. You would imagine that the members of such an important organ (clearly a meritocracy) would be really diplomatic and serious about their job when they actually aren’t as mature as you and I expect them to be. They look as if they were in a pomp, or even worse; a pageantry. Quite disappointing for some people, but some folks would find it a benefit.

Every part of the book has its different events and different conflicts, which involve how people solve them, which gives the reader a theme (teaching). Apart from the many themes that are found in this book the one that id present through out the entire story is: never give up on your dreams. In such a difficult thing as being admitted to a prestigious college in the United States one very important thing you want to have on your mind is: never give up. Because if you give up on trying to get admitted; directly, you are giving up on your dreams.

Reading this book made me think about a lot of things about my personal expectations and goals when its time for me to apply to a college. This books really shows how it’s like for the different students and their talents. The story made me wake up and think about the things that I critically need to have by the time I am a senior. It didn’t scare me at all but the good thing is that it shows the reality of the situation. It also motivated you to go up there and be successful in life (no mater how old are you) it makes you feel motivated for that very important moment of your life.

Personally, I would definitely recommend this book 100%. Although it is a good idea for older audiences and older teenagers to read because even though it is a really fun and interesting book there are contents inside the story that are complex and are meant to be read and understood by older teenager and young adults. Young kids wouldn’t enjoy this book as much as other people because they would not understand what’s really going on in the story, they would just be scurrying to finish the book. Adults would also enjoy this book a lot.

Jacques Steinberg made the perfect combination of real facts and events mixing it with fiction and invented characters, it was very idiosyncratic. I find it to be a really good way of portraying information, especially for young people. How could he deign to think that he was helping people!

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