Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Best Pieces Of Work

1. One of my best pieces of work was our first Social Studies project. I worked with Alma Peñate on making three scale objects with clay. the objective were to represent objects made in Ancient Mesopotamia. We worked an entire day on it and we finished them all with great effort. We got a four in our statues and in the essay. We learned a lot of the first civilization in the world. This was the best because we putneffort innevery single detail. What motivated me to do best in this project was to get my first 4 on a project in the 8th grade.

2. Another one of my best pieces of work was my poster that I made for Sociales class about the Independence of Colombia. The objective was to make a giant poster explaining all that happened in that date (7/20/1810). The poster was about my size and it had information, pictures and hand-made drawings. I learjedmfrom it all about the independece of my country. What motivated me to do the best on this was to be the best student in my Sociales class which has been proven to be very difficult.

3. Another one of my best pieces of work was the model of a Nitrogen atom that I did for Science class. Mine was different to the rest of the students because mine was 3D but on top of a wooden board which made it stand out fromnthe rest. i kearned a lor from the periodic table and the elements composing the earth. It motivated be becquse science is everything for me and I always put the best in my work.

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