Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Obstacles And Help!

One of the many obstacles that might step in our way of making classrooms more fun and productive is the parent boards or adults that will certainly criticize the idea. Since all of our parents were raised old school with the grey classroom and environment they think that is the best way to learn because that is the way they learned (always thinking is the best). They certainly want their children to learn the same way they did. For the majority of adults it seems inappropriate for a classroom to be full of decorations and have sofas and being really colorful. They need to understand that the decoration will be educational. If you are in a history room the decorations will be related with history. The colors are precisely to make the environment more relaxed for the ideas in your head to flow more freely and creativity to be more oresent in the student's work.

People that will help us will be scientists that have proven that colors improve a child's ability to memorize and learn. They will help us because every society wants to have the best education so if our idea contributes to get to that goal they will certainly help us.

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